Thursday, May 27, 2010

Communication - The magic wand

Graced is every human in her life
With the magic wand
Direct from Angels far away!
The magic wand is
The opportunity to Communicate!

Turning the magic wand,
All my foes turn into friends,
All hard hills of hatred,
Get grounded into soft froth
of mushy understanding!
All the agony of anger,
give its way to compassionate caress!
All the venom of heartbreak,
Turns into comfort of unconditional love!

The magic wand,
brings out the best in others,
And allow me to see the world,
Through eyes totally unknown!
I discover a new world,
Different and fascinating!

Through your eyes,
I grow, and get an opportunity
to be more than what I might be
brooding inside my dark solitude!
I am thankful,
For I have the magic wand -
The Opportunity to Communicate!

I am a throbbing awareness,
Of a passionate soul,
communicating with you,
stealing the warmth of your heart,
sharing the moistness
of your understanding eyes!
Listening to the beating of your soul,
calling me in your silence!

Yes I am connected to you,
and all others,
with this magical wand -
The opportunity to communicate!

I know I am blessed,
For none can steal the fortune
My dear magical wand!
I shall live my life,
in the ordinary way I am,
sharing with you,
My thoughts,
Sharing and knowing more!
Giving the bliss most
Out of ordinary!

I create a newer worlds,
Each moment of my existence,
Communicating little bit more,
With one more soul,
Nourishing her, as well as me!

Never leave the magic wand,
Communication is the way to
A place coveted by even Gods
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

When I judge...

When I judge,
I know I am missing on Life!
Busy with creating thoughts,
In the dark slimy mind,
I know I missed the passing
damsel singing heart warming tune!

When I judge,
I know I have lost my freedom!
A slave of my beliefs,
I stand painting black with the brush of biases,
The otherwise colorful rainbow!

I know you are beyond my limited knowing!
What best I can get a feel of
Is a small limited aspect,
Using which I create my
Own subjective reality!
I am aware my perceptions
Are nothing But
Projections of the Phantoms of my head.

For the reality we seek,
Will not contain The Truth!
Rather it has A Truth,
Contained within it.

Hence I Judge less,
And listen more!
For I dont want
To miss on my life!
I know it is so vast,
And time too limited!
How can I waste the opportunity?
Just by judging the world around!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

When you have nothing to hide!

A morning new
With beauty divine!
Fearless, relaxed, calm I confide,
For there is nothing to hide!

There is nothing to be hoarded,
For all is borrowed in my life,
A naked crying infant was I born,
Going to die again empty handed,
Tomorrow or the day after.

No defenses I need
To guard the importance,
of the non-event - my Life!

No frown to hide,
With a smiling countenance.
For I know no reason to
To have a sad second.

All that appears bad and ugly,
I know is an escrow
of Who I am not.
They are important!
For only then I know who I am,
And Who I am not!

I dont have your love to hide,
For I know it is non-local,
which transcends your form!
It is not just an emotion.
For it is a way of being.

I dont have my thoughts to hide,
For I know they are not garbed
by the slime of egoic mind!

I dont have my expressions to hide,
For I know they do not
echo a genetic urge,
Nor do they express an egoic ideology!
For my expressions
are running streams of pristine Memes,
Giving culture its own shape,
Humanity its own direction of evolution.

I dont have dreams to hide,
For they are for enabling
mankind of achieving what it has
not yet achieved.

I dont have my passions to hide,
For they are devoid of the clinging self!
For they are throbbing energy
of a non local source,
determined to leave a mark
for culture's own sake.

I have nothing to hide,
as I am not my body, and mind!
Nor I am my possessions,
My love I am not,
Nor am I my dreams and ambitions.
I am just a split second non-event
- A process happening along with others
In the symphony of nature's cosmic dance.
Toiling every moment,
Just to make it
A bit more beautiful.
A bit more beautiful.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Friday, May 7, 2010

It is not just about having no expectations..

I have learnt that for ones sustained wellbeing, it helps to have no expectations from the outside world - either people, things or events. Yes, in theory it makes sense that being in this state will obviously cause no heart burn and disappointment.
But at the same time it has to be acknowledged that it is impossible to be in that state of being, for a sustained period of time in ones life.

I have discovered that it is rather easy to be in that state if one replaces the craving urge with another way be of being - The Giving Instinct. Can a person always remind to herself that life is all about serving, and giving? Yes, that is doable.

In my life, every moment, I remind myself, am I being a service provider, in whatever I do. In my interactions with colleagues, family, friends, etc, am I being someone who is making a difference, or giving something to somebody, or being in a place which is all about giving. This state of being, helps me to lift myself out of being craving, asking and clinging.

It is not about being "good" not being in the sucking mode of asking, expecting, craving, and clinging. It is just because it is more inspiring to be in the opposite state of being. It gives me a feeling of wellbeing, happiness and joy, being in a state of much higher energy. This helps me create meaning for myself.

Life intrinsically is meaningless. This is because, no matter what we do, achieve or hoard in this period of our existence, we are going to die, and dis-integrate into mud. But having said that, it is also true that we can certainly attach meaning to our life. Being in the state of being a service provider, where you exist because for others, creates a meaningful context to be alive.

Being in that state of being, you find more friends, and there is a happy world that is created around you. This is because, you are a radiating entity of joy. People by design get attracted to you, circumstance by design become better, and hence life becomes more meaningful.

I have realized that the most important thing to keep in mind is to remind oneself, whether she is being in the state of a giver, or a state of the taker. The former one is always the smarted way of being, and one has to discipline oneself to be in that state, every moment. The old Hindi song puts it beautifully - "Tum be-sahaara ho to, kisi ka sahara bano...tumhe khud hi sahaara mil jayega". It means if you are vulnerable, be someone's else's support. You will automatically transcend your vulnerability. It is certainly inspiring to be like Sun - always giving to the world, rather than being a parasite, whose life is all about what it can take from others.

Having stabilized oneself in this state of being, one is automatically drawn to the state of being where she does not have any expectations. Life is all about thriving in whatever happens in reality.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Fleeting Time

Every ticking moment
Fleeting by,
Is waiting for none!
The nature indifferent of
My Whims, is walking
in her own mood.
I have but a limited time.
Life is passing by.
Too few moments left,
To be wasted on
What is not my purpose.
Many things to learn,
Many to master,
For they are my tools to serve
and pay my debt,
To the Universe!

It is easy to fizzle out,
drugged in pleasures of
The little world.
But, I choose the road less traveled!
For I am here to place my mark,
In the sand of time,
Long after I am gone,
For my posteriori to be better,
more beautiful, and grander!

Steadfast am I,
Towards my purpose,
With sweating brows,
And hardened hands.
Flowing with time,
in harmony of nature,
Here I am focussed on my purpose,
co-creating my future,
with the Universe by my side,
in the preparation to give back
and to Serve!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

The Cosmos and I

My life is a split second
non-descript event.
It is a blip in the scale
of the Cosmic Time.

In this expanse
of the Billions of galaxies,
My life is a microscopic non event.

But I realize that
I am part of the continuing saga
of Evolution of Earth and its culture.

In the big picture, I am just another link
in the giant chain of evolving civilizations.
I am a thinking soul,
Determined to beautify human culture
With my actions, expressions and thought.

For I am nothing,
Except for my works,
my poems, and my actions and expressions.
I have nothing to fear, nothing to lose.
What defines me is just a growing intelligence,
Destined to add beauty in the
cosmic painting of life.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Expecting consistency is a forced malady

Nature always listens to its own drum beat. It never plays as per the whims and fancies of any one. Billions of galaxies, stars, moons, etc all continue in their own states of motion. The flow of winds, changing seasons, flowering plants, flowing rivers, all of them are busy in their own dance, totally oblivious to the what any other entity in creation desires or wants.

Similarly, we humans, being part of the same nature, do evolve, and change. Humans can not be consistent. Consistency is death. People do change, grow, evolve and transform. Not only mentally and spiritually, we also change physically. Every 3 months we change each and every cell of our body, and new cell take their place. So, who I was 3 months ago, is physically a different human being today.
This birth - death - birth keeps going in cycle. There is a continuity however across these local transformations. This intelligence which continues across all these cycles of birth and death, is the evolving consciousness.

Now, having understood this it looks so awkward when people expect others to be the same. A lover having betrayed by his beloved, gets deluged in melancholy. That is a forced malady, which occurs from a deep seated ignorance. Humans crave for a mental construct they attach with a human being, and expect that the human align to that construct forever. In the beginning might be the construct was itself erroneous. It might have been an illusion that the human being was even close to that assumed construct. Now, when the real nature of the human being gets exposed, the construct shatters. And the lover gets disillusioned.

Such clinging and craving aspect of any relationship is a forced malady, at heart of which lies a deep seated ignorance of how the nature works. No entity in which there is a throbbing of life energy flowing, can be consistent and same trough out.

Having understood this, it creates a beautiful context of compassion. You cannot label any human being as an absolute bad. The human grows, learns, changes, transforms. No human is a singular instance of emotions and identity. Rather every human at any point of space time continuum is a snapshot of a varying diaspora of different psychological propensities.

Hence Judge less, listen more. Hate none, Love all. Expect nothing, Always Give and Serve.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Love is the only Truth

Love is not just an emotion.
Love is not just another sentiment.
Love is rather the only Truth.

Being open to love,
in all gestures, all circumstances,
all forms, every moment,
Is about being awake.
Anything that does not call for Love,
Is being drugged in slumber of illusion.

Perception when carefully
nurtured with Love,
creates a Heaven on Earth.
When the person next to me is God,
And I am an angel.

Neither do I judge myself,
Nor you or the Life!
For the fabric of my perception
Is dyed with the flamboyant Love.

Having an awareness of Love
Always Awake,
Sprinkles the due of wellbeing,
on every moment of existence.

It is not for others,
But for happiness of mine,
Do I have Love in every breath.
For I know
Love is the only truth,
And all else is just a distortion.

It is sensible to know
The truth, the only Truth,
By being in love,
Every breath of existence.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar