I thought, I love you!
But then I realized
My love is just too profound
to be captivated by
love of a physical form,
labeled with your name.
For my heart throbs for
That beautiful vision,
Creating that beautiful possibility,
with an idea directing the human development
To a world better than today!
I am infatuated by a dream!
A dream in which humanity is
guided by knowledge of reason
and erudition!
A world which has no place
for superstition and prejudices.
A place where each human
has an open mind,
Forever beautifying itself
reading a good book,
discussing a beautiful vision,
exploring the unknown,
loving and caring more
talking less, listening more.
Expanding oneself to the horizon new!
And thus, each day adding to the
beauty of the profound life!
I am in love with that Non-form!
That divine inspiration
guiding the human thoughts
To create a better world!
I am a soldier of God.
Living for me, is a continuous
Exploration of the unknown.
A never ending toil,
To create something new and meaningful.
A race towards perfection,
A regimen of deliberate practice
To hone a new skill and talent,
With only one vision always at the helm!
How to contribute more and wide!
How to touch much more souls,
In ways bigger and better!
I am the channel of Human Excellence,
I am lovelorn with that
Human Potential which is hidden
and is craving to take its shape,
Thus increasing the awe of creation!
I am in love,
In love with that throbbing power,
Transcending through all human
dreams and visions,
Grand and noble missions,
Directing the destiny of the creation.
The orgasm of my love
Cannot be tamed by a fragile and mortal physical form!
For it can be put to rest,
That formless inspiration
of that world class human excellence!
Living every moment with meaningful actions,
Visionary thoughts, and creative expressions.
Thus decorating my existence and nature's
with contributions creating a difference.
With ways new and noble,
Every moment and every hour!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
This blog is a collection of poems and prose that I have written. I profoundly identify with working down my feelings into written expressions. These are creations which allow me to relive some of my beautiful moments, as well as gives me an opportunity to share with the universe what this soul caged in this body feels...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Evolving Inside Out - Preferring exocentricity over endocentricity
In the field of human psychology this is my attempt to bring out an analogy with the world of computer user interface design. At least in the case of naming two different way of being. I term these two states of being as "Exocentricity" and "Endocentricity".
Let me explain both these terms in details -
Exocentricity - I use this term to define a state of being in which a person has transcended her self importance. The person relates to her existence based on what her contribution to the external world is. Life is nothing but a sequence of actions that she is taking, the thoughts she is having, and beauty she is creating, all focussed on others. This is a state in which the only thing that comes to ones mind is what way one can be used up, from morning to night in doing something worthwhile.
It might be moments spent playing with a kid (in order to contribute to the kid's psyche), or
writing a poem to express a beautiful emotion, thereby increasing the overall beauty of the creation, or painting or sculpturing a beautiful piece of art to substantiate an intangible beauty in the mind, or doing every day chores to earn a living, or pursuing a field of proficiency, etc.
It can be anything. The common theme transgressing all these examples is that there is no self importance involved. None of these works are done for ones own self. A person finds an intrinsic satisfaction in being of some use to others in a way she feels does matter.
The actions taken might be something the person enjoys doing, or might be something that she abhors. But she continues to be perfect in her action because she has a meaning attached to her action. She feels her action is adding to the overall beauty of the creation.
In this state of being the person sees herself as a inconspicuous but significant part of the overall creation. For her, life is an impersonal process which is governed by external laws of nature.
She is like a small bead among many such beads in a rosary. She does what she can, given her circumstances, with just one aim - doing best what she can. There is only one motivation to do things - To contribute to the beauty of the rosary. Her actions, thoughts and motivations might be to add to the beauty of the other beads by sprinkling some new combination of colors, or to strengthen the string holding the beads, or to intensify or modulate the light falling on to the garland to make the scene more beautiful, or to add a refreshing fragrance to the garland to create a novelty, etc.
In this analogy it might be clear to you that what keeps the bead in discussion going is just a meaning it has created for itself, which centers around caring for others outside its own self. There is a constant selfish motivation of being used up to the fullest, contributing to something that is meaningful. For the bead, her life is a beautiful story of innumerable attempts to create value for others, and therefore contribute to the life itself. The bead is always in the pursuit of something bigger than her own life.
Being in this state, a person happily can undergo years of captivity of a concentration camp, if she feels that her experiences in the trenches are helping her to further her research in say human psyche. A person will happily slog for 12 hours every day of the work week, and also not think twice before spending even her weekends in office. She will never be tired of her work, and there will be no need of any rest or relaxation. The person will be continuously motivated to give her best, because she knows she is adding up to the beauty of the world with her work. She will have a very high esteem of what she is doing. She will be in FLOW. The whole idea is how to be fully used up, in doing something bigger than one's life.
Same stands for a home maker. She stays at home, does what all which might otherwise look mundane to say a business tycoon. She takes care of her child, does the home chores, etc. She has a meaning she is living upto - being used up completely creating beauty in this world by raising a child who will be a good human being, and at the same time taking care of her family's wellbeing. She is always in FLOW.
Such a state of being is a result of relating the world using the right brain. The state which has been esoterically defined by phrases like - "I am that", "Tat tuam asi", "Aham Brahmasmi" of the Eastern Hindu scriptures.
Another beautiful aspect of this state of being is that the person keeps becoming more and more expert in the work at hand. She increases her uniqueness, and her overall worth, not only to herself, but to the community as a whole. Every states of FLOW she enters, she evolves to a self better than she used to be earlier.
This state of being is free from fear, doubt, shame, guilt, stress, or any such debilitating human emotion. Life is a continuous shower of blessing, no matter how dire her life circumstances appear to others.
Endocentricity - In this state of being the left brain tries to maintain one's self importance, and treats oneself as center of the universe. This state of being creates emotions like hatred, hurt, jealousy, envy, fear etc. All such negative emotions arise from the sense of being centered internally, inside one`s own mind. In this state there is a past, a present and a future. Language, calculations, gain, loss, self interests etc are always at play. One is fully identified by her designation at work, her possessions, her status in society, etc. One is always different from others. Life is always I, we and they. It is always about what is mine, and what is theirs.
Some people just wait to be hurt. Anything and everything hurt them. Some people are waiting to hurt others. Everyday of their life is all about establishing their supremacy over others. Life for such people is like a race, and a cut throat competition.
There are aspects of exocentricity (right brain governed) and endocentricity (left brain governed) prevalent in every human being. The degree to which these two states of being are at play, govern ones consciousness, and gives one her personality, and quality of life.
As soon as we are able to jump out of the dungeon of the endocentrism, we find ourselves as a link, as a means, as a part of the a whole. We find ourself as a means to play our role in making the entire system more beautiful. In this state, the self is un-important. We start living for others. The world becomes one family, and every other human becomes ones own loving sibling.
The state of exocentrism has been propagated by all the major religions since ages. Now even the medical practitioners and psychologists have found after years of world wide research that an exocentric attitude not only beautifies the world, but also enhances the quality of ones own personal life - the life span increases, and the person is in the state of high energy and bliss for a large proportion of her existence in this world.
These thoughts came to my mind after having read many books on positive psychology and working of right brain. The deepest impact on me was having read and reflected the concept of FLOW explained in many books of Csikszentmihaly Mihaly and watching the jaw dropping talk by the world famous brain scientist - Jill Bolte Taylor.
Following is the link to the video, in case you want to watch it - http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/229______________________________________________
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Why people hate others?
When we see some not like us,
When we do not understand someone,
When we listen to something
We do not generally speak,
When we confront a way of life,
Of some others which is not like us.
No second we waste, only to hate!
Very quick are we to generalize.
One, two and three experience,
And there goes a solid, sharp
Permanent a judgment!
Always busy are we
Defining how different we are from them!
Always there is an I and they,
The mind is busy labeling and hating!
We always know we are the one
Who is right, and they are the one who is wrong!
This is the righteousness,
We are ready to die for.
Never we think twice before
Sacrificing our peace to this
Commotion of disconnect.
With poison in heart,
We poison everything around.
People, places, things nothing to spare!
We do not even spare
That innocent land,
That vast sky and the beautiful trees!
And most we hate,
Those highest creations of God,
For whom God himself is so proud!
Beautiful both in heart and soul,
Are the people whom we paint bad,
With the black ink
Of our prejudices, and perceptions.
Do not we think even twice,
Before generalizing our wrath,
For couple of sad experiences,
We term the whole world dark!
Having formed a belief,
A prejudice and a superstition,
We live till we die,
Continuously watering our hatred,
Distorting the beauty of Life!
But yes, God does not cry!
For he does bad to himself,
Who hates others.
For nothing but is blessed
Who is hated and mocked.
Hatred is Darkness,
Deep and Thick!
Only the light of love,
Can cut it quick!
For Love is not just an emotion!
It is a torch of Blessing
Cutting through the darkness
Enabling us to see the Truth!
Being in love is like being awake!
Far away from the slumber of
Fatal perceptions.
Cut through hatred,
Clear up the fog,
For the sunny clear day awaits,
Brimming with love and joy!
It is a personal choice,
To love or to hate.
I choose the former,
Defying what appears true!
For I know there is something
More important than truth.
It is being in love,
From the depths of a caring heart,
No matter what!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
When we do not understand someone,
When we listen to something
We do not generally speak,
When we confront a way of life,
Of some others which is not like us.
No second we waste, only to hate!
Very quick are we to generalize.
One, two and three experience,
And there goes a solid, sharp
Permanent a judgment!
Always busy are we
Defining how different we are from them!
Always there is an I and they,
The mind is busy labeling and hating!
We always know we are the one
Who is right, and they are the one who is wrong!
This is the righteousness,
We are ready to die for.
Never we think twice before
Sacrificing our peace to this
Commotion of disconnect.
With poison in heart,
We poison everything around.
People, places, things nothing to spare!
We do not even spare
That innocent land,
That vast sky and the beautiful trees!
And most we hate,
Those highest creations of God,
For whom God himself is so proud!
Beautiful both in heart and soul,
Are the people whom we paint bad,
With the black ink
Of our prejudices, and perceptions.
Do not we think even twice,
Before generalizing our wrath,
For couple of sad experiences,
We term the whole world dark!
Having formed a belief,
A prejudice and a superstition,
We live till we die,
Continuously watering our hatred,
Distorting the beauty of Life!
But yes, God does not cry!
For he does bad to himself,
Who hates others.
For nothing but is blessed
Who is hated and mocked.
Hatred is Darkness,
Deep and Thick!
Only the light of love,
Can cut it quick!
For Love is not just an emotion!
It is a torch of Blessing
Cutting through the darkness
Enabling us to see the Truth!
Being in love is like being awake!
Far away from the slumber of
Fatal perceptions.
Cut through hatred,
Clear up the fog,
For the sunny clear day awaits,
Brimming with love and joy!
It is a personal choice,
To love or to hate.
I choose the former,
Defying what appears true!
For I know there is something
More important than truth.
It is being in love,
From the depths of a caring heart,
No matter what!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Call for a personal Freedom this 15th
The nation was freed 63 years ago.
Good! It has prospered well,
Young and powerful it is running its race!
But am I free in real sense?
Am I not imprisoned
With the biases of narrow mind?
With the age old superstitions,
Have I not lost the way?
Being too much involved in
Rites and rituals,
Has not God really lost
Its real meaning?
Is not that the basis of our being spiritual
Is deep seated in fear of heavenly wrath,
Or an obnoxious lust for that invisible cosmic power?
Is not the way I work,
Is just another imprisonment
Of necessities that I am forced to do
To earn a living?
Is not my love
Captivated with the
Un-breakable and cold iron shackles
Of social norms?
Is not the way I live,
Is a compulsive disorder,
Being programmed blindly
To be always in search of pleasure?
Am I not chained to the
The endless race of materialism?
And then am I not constrained
With ideologies to explain my inconsistencies?
Is not life hijacked by
The waxing and waning of hormones,
And genetic urges?
Are not my thoughts
Limited to the distance
My social conditioning can take me?
Are not my dreams
Dampened with the forces
Of what others judge me of?
Am I not captivated still,
With that urge to be loved back,
Once I love someone?
Is not every act of kindness
Has just reduced to
A give and take transaction?
Are not my thoughts of
Compassion and care,
Limited to just a few around me?
Have not human conscience surrendered
Itself to the myopic concerns?
Has not even Business Management
Lost its freedom as a "liberal art",
To a way to just churn out money?
Has not the gap between
The Ivory Tower of academia
And the grass-root real world
Widened like never before?
Has not the pen has really
Given up to the sword?
Have we not relinquished
The freedom to carve out
A meaning for our life?
Volunteering for
Square boring ways?
Have we not really lost the
Freedom to take risk,
And make a dent in the universe?
Are not our opinions,
Shallow and ill-informed?
Have we not always
preferred to read the Twilight series,
Instead of a thought provoking article
In the Nature magazine?
Lost have we our freedom
Of being a human!
Lost have we our take
On the deciding how humanity evolves!
Yet again, here is a call
For a freedom anew.
A freedom of self!
Wake up!
Give up the small
For the Infinite!
______________________________________________Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
This is Subhas speaking...
Why shall I beg for my own right?
Why shall I not hit back against exploitation?
For it is much more than
A feud between an imperialist and a colony.
It is about my own motherland!
How can I be passive?
Watching her being molested?
Yes, I am alone.
But is not that expected for a rebel?
I do not believe what
Almost everyone believes today.
Non-violence is noble.
But it can never make us free.
These exploiters have to be
Thrashed out of my motherland.
They are thick skinned.
No good for a noble pleading.
I do not have the Congress
To support,
Neither I have villages after villages
Backing me.
With a small faction of dozen rebels,
I have marched towards defeating
The British Raj!
Looks unpredictable.
But I know it is possible.
For seeing the acorn seed,
Who could predict the giant oak tree?
I declare it to be possible,
And so it shall be.
I know I am right,
And God is by my side.
I will form my army,
I will sail out 7 seas,
I will turn the world around,
But I will make it happen!
For in my life time I shall
See my mother free!
It pains me
For centuries together,
We never had the guts,
Never the passion,
To stand united for our motherland!
Too narrow had we been,
Imprisoned in the cocoon of
Our own small life.
Never had we thought
The world out of that gate of our homes!
Enough is enough!
No more shall I allow
India to be slithering on the floor
In double standards of peace and non violence.
To clean the slimy dirt,
You need to apply force.
I shall not allow the
Sacrifices of thousands of young
Men and women,
I shall keep the fire on!
And burn the empire of the
British Raj!
No revolution was won
Begging for it.
All needed blood and sacrifice.
So, shall I bring out this?
Revolution anew,
You give me blood, I shall give you freedom!
I am no God,
Nor am I the Atlas,
I am no charmer,
With the entire country
Swarming behind me.
I don’t have the Gladiators,
Nor the arms and ammunitions.
Here I am all alone,
Set out to defeat the
Great Britain!!
Yes, I am nervous,
And I am apprehensive,
For know I not the future.
More than success I see
Failures all around.
But, I am sure of one thing,
Irrespective of what is my destiny,
I will be able to die free of any atonement!
For I shall try all that is possible,
Walking in the drum beats of my heart!
I shall not limit myself,
With constraints in my head.
I know I am already free,
Free at my mind,
Free at my heart!
Have I started on the errand,
To bring that Freedom
Out of my Heart,
To the valleys of my Motherland!
I am not a passive stone,
Borne to be smothered by
Some lesser mortals.
I am part of God,
The priceless gift of Creativity adorns me!
I am here to innovate,
To build,
To inspire,
To direct the storm
Of Human Potential
To create a renaissance of Prosperity in Freedom!
Today freedom is in its pure potential,
And there are these innumerous obstacles,
Both within and outside!
But then does not it make the task more interesting?
For the increased degree of challenge
Adds finesse to the work at hand!
I am happy that I have chosen,
To be used up nourishing that
Pure potential and parenting it out
To the sunshine of the real world!
For this creates meaning for my existence.
I am not a body, nor an identity,
I am not my possessions.
I am just an expression of nature,
Working towards evolving out
A bud to a flamboyant flower!
This is the invisible intention
Of the Cosmos that flows through me.
I am just a medium.
Yes, being a link between
That hidden divine potential,
To the solidity of the real world,
I have transgressed my fear of mortality,
I have transcended my weaknesses of
Being just a human.
I have chosen what gives meaning to my life,
I have a purpose to die for.
I am here to play my role
With heart and body, mind and soul.
Rest is all in the hand of
The random natural selection at work!
If nothing else,
I am sure,
Generations to come,
Will at least remember
Subhash Chandra Bose,
As a soul who tried his best
To repay his debt of being an Indian!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Why shall I not hit back against exploitation?
For it is much more than
A feud between an imperialist and a colony.
It is about my own motherland!
How can I be passive?
Watching her being molested?
Yes, I am alone.
But is not that expected for a rebel?
I do not believe what
Almost everyone believes today.
Non-violence is noble.
But it can never make us free.
These exploiters have to be
Thrashed out of my motherland.
They are thick skinned.
No good for a noble pleading.
I do not have the Congress
To support,
Neither I have villages after villages
Backing me.
With a small faction of dozen rebels,
I have marched towards defeating
The British Raj!
Looks unpredictable.
But I know it is possible.
For seeing the acorn seed,
Who could predict the giant oak tree?
I declare it to be possible,
And so it shall be.
I know I am right,
And God is by my side.
I will form my army,
I will sail out 7 seas,
I will turn the world around,
But I will make it happen!
For in my life time I shall
See my mother free!
It pains me
For centuries together,
We never had the guts,
Never the passion,
To stand united for our motherland!
Too narrow had we been,
Imprisoned in the cocoon of
Our own small life.
Never had we thought
The world out of that gate of our homes!
Enough is enough!
No more shall I allow
India to be slithering on the floor
In double standards of peace and non violence.
To clean the slimy dirt,
You need to apply force.
I shall not allow the
Sacrifices of thousands of young
Men and women,
I shall keep the fire on!
And burn the empire of the
British Raj!
No revolution was won
Begging for it.
All needed blood and sacrifice.
So, shall I bring out this?
Revolution anew,
You give me blood, I shall give you freedom!
I am no God,
Nor am I the Atlas,
I am no charmer,
With the entire country
Swarming behind me.
I don’t have the Gladiators,
Nor the arms and ammunitions.
Here I am all alone,
Set out to defeat the
Great Britain!!
Yes, I am nervous,
And I am apprehensive,
For know I not the future.
More than success I see
Failures all around.
But, I am sure of one thing,
Irrespective of what is my destiny,
I will be able to die free of any atonement!
For I shall try all that is possible,
Walking in the drum beats of my heart!
I shall not limit myself,
With constraints in my head.
I know I am already free,
Free at my mind,
Free at my heart!
Have I started on the errand,
To bring that Freedom
Out of my Heart,
To the valleys of my Motherland!
I am not a passive stone,
Borne to be smothered by
Some lesser mortals.
I am part of God,
The priceless gift of Creativity adorns me!
I am here to innovate,
To build,
To inspire,
To direct the storm
Of Human Potential
To create a renaissance of Prosperity in Freedom!
Today freedom is in its pure potential,
And there are these innumerous obstacles,
Both within and outside!
But then does not it make the task more interesting?
For the increased degree of challenge
Adds finesse to the work at hand!
I am happy that I have chosen,
To be used up nourishing that
Pure potential and parenting it out
To the sunshine of the real world!
For this creates meaning for my existence.
I am not a body, nor an identity,
I am not my possessions.
I am just an expression of nature,
Working towards evolving out
A bud to a flamboyant flower!
This is the invisible intention
Of the Cosmos that flows through me.
I am just a medium.
Yes, being a link between
That hidden divine potential,
To the solidity of the real world,
I have transgressed my fear of mortality,
I have transcended my weaknesses of
Being just a human.
I have chosen what gives meaning to my life,
I have a purpose to die for.
I am here to play my role
With heart and body, mind and soul.
Rest is all in the hand of
The random natural selection at work!
If nothing else,
I am sure,
Generations to come,
Will at least remember
Subhash Chandra Bose,
As a soul who tried his best
To repay his debt of being an Indian!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The New Heaven of Freedom
Looking around from that "Heaven of Freedom"
I brighten up, with cheers all over!
From that stroke of midnight,
Of the tryst with destiny,
Till today, a long way we have all come!
The day has changed!
1 Billion of us,
Strong we stand
Scaling new heights,
Accomplishing new feats.
None is there to stop,
Diving with the waves,
Cruising through the wind,
Racing ahead of time,
We are Gods,
in the "Heaven of Freedom"
We have shaken off
"the narrow domestic walls"
Of religion, and language,
Of culture, and beliefs.
United are we,
looking at the sky,
busy creating things new
With the firm conviction
To leave a legacy
In the sands of passing time.
Yes, I am the neo-Indian,
rejoicing my freedom!
A freedom to jump high,
To scale newer heights,
To create new colors,
To write new thoughts,
To collaborate with the world,
Thus co-create a new Heaven!
A heaven more beautiful
Than that conjured by Tagore!
Time is ripe to rise above
mere nationalism!
The era is to wake up
from the slumber of
narrow patriotism!
Yes, we are growing!
We are growing beyond
all that divides,
And all that shackles.
I am the neo Indian!
Ushering I am
To a new Heaven,
Where love for humanity
Is ahead of the love for my country,
Where the concern for my planet,
is ahead of my attachment
To village I was born.
Where I care about the world peace,
And do my part to keep the planet green!
I am playing my role
in a Flat World,
Standing shoulder to shoulder,
With many other nations,
with many other geographies,
With people from all over the world,
preparing for a new
Tryst with Destiny!
A destiny where
There will be no hunger,
A destiny where
Poverty will be just an
archaic expression!
A destiny where
free and fair trade
Transform the living standard of
just not my country
but for all!
The New Heaven is on its way!
It is not visible,
But I can hear it breathing.
It is on its way!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
I brighten up, with cheers all over!
From that stroke of midnight,
Of the tryst with destiny,
Till today, a long way we have all come!
The day has changed!
1 Billion of us,
Strong we stand
Scaling new heights,
Accomplishing new feats.
None is there to stop,
Diving with the waves,
Cruising through the wind,
Racing ahead of time,
We are Gods,
in the "Heaven of Freedom"
We have shaken off
"the narrow domestic walls"
Of religion, and language,
Of culture, and beliefs.
United are we,
looking at the sky,
busy creating things new
With the firm conviction
To leave a legacy
In the sands of passing time.
Yes, I am the neo-Indian,
rejoicing my freedom!
A freedom to jump high,
To scale newer heights,
To create new colors,
To write new thoughts,
To collaborate with the world,
Thus co-create a new Heaven!
A heaven more beautiful
Than that conjured by Tagore!
Time is ripe to rise above
mere nationalism!
The era is to wake up
from the slumber of
narrow patriotism!
Yes, we are growing!
We are growing beyond
all that divides,
And all that shackles.
I am the neo Indian!
Ushering I am
To a new Heaven,
Where love for humanity
Is ahead of the love for my country,
Where the concern for my planet,
is ahead of my attachment
To village I was born.
Where I care about the world peace,
And do my part to keep the planet green!
I am playing my role
in a Flat World,
Standing shoulder to shoulder,
With many other nations,
with many other geographies,
With people from all over the world,
preparing for a new
Tryst with Destiny!
A destiny where
There will be no hunger,
A destiny where
Poverty will be just an
archaic expression!
A destiny where
free and fair trade
Transform the living standard of
just not my country
but for all!
The New Heaven is on its way!
It is not visible,
But I can hear it breathing.
It is on its way!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thank you for being my Friend!
I rejoice this day with the Gratitude
From depth of my heart!
What sacred the day is!
It is the day to thank
those beautiful souls
Who decorate my existence -
My dear friends!
Like the numerous twinkling stars
old and new,
Is your presence my friend,
a wonder in my life!
To all of you,
Old and new
Active and passive,
I thank for being who you are,
For each of you have a
special place in my heart!
I have been touched
in ways innumerable,
I have evolved and
etched out whom I am,
For you were there.
You have helped me
Out of the dark cavern of my head,
restricted to only my way,
And opened up many
New dimensions of bright horizons,
totally unknown to me!
You have filled in the
Moments of void,
with the music
of your presence,
Both online and in person!
You have allowed me to be stupid,
Without the fear of embarrassment.
Helping me to grow,
To know more about
life and myself!
The meaning of being unconditional,
Had I never known
if you have not been there!
A knowing that indeed gives the
direct taste of Heaven on Earth.
Through you have I known
World can be so beautiful!
You have helped me to
Co-create for myself,
A life better than the Gods!
I thank you!
Each one of you!
For being so special!
Your unique presence,
is like a sparkling solitaire,
adding finesse to my existence!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
From depth of my heart!
What sacred the day is!
It is the day to thank
those beautiful souls
Who decorate my existence -
My dear friends!
Like the numerous twinkling stars
old and new,
Is your presence my friend,
a wonder in my life!
To all of you,
Old and new
Active and passive,
I thank for being who you are,
For each of you have a
special place in my heart!
I have been touched
in ways innumerable,
I have evolved and
etched out whom I am,
For you were there.
You have helped me
Out of the dark cavern of my head,
restricted to only my way,
And opened up many
New dimensions of bright horizons,
totally unknown to me!
You have filled in the
Moments of void,
with the music
of your presence,
Both online and in person!
You have allowed me to be stupid,
Without the fear of embarrassment.
Helping me to grow,
To know more about
life and myself!
The meaning of being unconditional,
Had I never known
if you have not been there!
A knowing that indeed gives the
direct taste of Heaven on Earth.
Through you have I known
World can be so beautiful!
You have helped me to
Co-create for myself,
A life better than the Gods!
I thank you!
Each one of you!
For being so special!
Your unique presence,
is like a sparkling solitaire,
adding finesse to my existence!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
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