In this poem I have tried to express one important mystery of life. There are aspects of nature, which are hidden from its appearance. For example, the mathematical relationship between the integers and harmonics is invisible. The melody and that blissful feeling of listening to the Mozart’s symphony, is beyond the details of the musical instruments involved. There is a complete invisible essence which makes the symphony so divine.
For example, if you connect four dots, you get a square. Connecting another three dots, will give you a cuboid. See, we are creating 6 different planes out of those extra 3 dots. Now, the comprehension of those 6 new plains in the 3D model, is beyond those 3 extra dots those were used.
The idea is that the essence of everyday life is beyond the transactional realities that are appreciated by our 5 senses apparently. The physical world is just a partial truth. There is always a confluence between the physical and the divine, to create anything worthwhile. The physical perishes away. It just transiently tries to hold that divine essence. And after some time, that essence flows to some other physical form.
To explain this better, it was Pythagoras in 570BC who tried to investigate the nature of the solar system, and had postulated with his rudimentary means that earth is NOT the center of universe, and it just rotates around a ball of fire, along with all the other planets. See, this theory of Pythagoras was not visible to him directly. He investigated, and mathematically analyzed the cosmos, and came up with this idea. One thousand years later, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was the first man to make a serious attempt to apply mathematics to find laws of celestial motion. His faith that heavens must be arranged in a harmonious pattern that reveals itself in simple mathematical relationships led him to formulate several generalizations about the planets. Today most of the formulations of Kepler are regarded as landmarks of fundamental Physics. Now see, the idea is beyond the invisibility part. There another beautiful aspect. That is the aspect of continuum and immortality. The beautiful idea of Pythagoras lived beyond his life. 1000 years later the idea was re-evaluated by Kepler and Copernicus to formulate a new paradigm of solar system, which was till then being dogmatically believed as having Earth as the center point (Thanks to the influence of Roman Catholic Church, misguiding the world, in the name of their own personalized idea of God and His creation). Notice that the meme – the idea- was greater than the physical form of either Pythagoras, Kepler of Copernicus. It was something beyond – divine, omnipotent, omnipresent, and perfect! Is that not God?
The following story is about Angella Rizabella Grace – Michel Simoni’s Love. When the entire universe is head over heels with the beauty of this lady in form, what Simoni sees is the essence of her beauty beyond her form. She is being described as beautiful means of expression of that ethereal and celestial beauty being condensed on her form, for a limited time, brought about by the sound of the Simoni’s chisel and his profound and unshakable love for her.
In the sound of the Chisel
Merged the infinite with the limited,
Comprehendible was the immortal,
In the garb of the perishable!
A profound Confluence was on show,
Of the divine and the earthly,
The form and the non-form!
For busy was Simoni,
Chipping out those extra bits,
Out of the perfection he was creating,
The sculpture of the angel
With the Most Beautiful Eyes –
Angella Rizabella Grace!
The gasping Divine Beauty,
Magically had descended
Far from the heavens un-seen,
Invisible and unfathomed,
To the worlds of the mortals!
With every sound of the Chisel,
Embracing was that invisible and hidden,
Perfect Beauty in its form pristine,
Through contours on the surface of the
White and cold marble!
Stunned and intoxicated all the
Bees and insects and the birds,
The flora and fauna at large,
The sky, ocean and the entire cosmos,
Expectant of an ounce of nectar,
Like restless hummingbirds,
All of them flocked to her,
Surrounding Angella!
Frenzied in delirium,
Love soaked hearts of the entire creation,
Desperate all were
To contain the profound beauty,
In their small life and even smaller heart –
Owning for themselves, forever –
The cold, white marble,
Of the fragile and aging,
But the perfect mannequin!
Handicapped was the universe,
Trapped inside the bondage of its ignorace,
And even shorter attention and whims,
Could see just that was just a mirage –
The transient and temporal,
The only the partial truth,
The incomplete beauty!
It was just Simoni and the silent oak tree in his garden,
Who had the glimpse of the beauty profound and complete!
Through the sound of the chisel,
They were the only ones,
To feel the perfection beneath
The stone, the curves and contours!
The beauty did not belong to the mannequin,
Nor did it belong to the throbbing restless delirium of the lovers.
Beneath all the humdrum of the sameness of forms,
Was that invisible beauty that was perfect and novel!
That was the glimpse of God!
The pure Godliness of those Most Beautiful Eyes!
Simoni in the flow of his handiwork,
Was meditating at the beauty beneath the form.
The eternal shower of grandeur, of elegance and grace,
Was coming from faraway heavens invisible,
Through the channel of the chisel’s sound,
Surrendering to the bondage of his ardent love!
Through Simoni’s ardor, and his finesse,
The intangible gave a peek of itself,
In the form of Angella Rizabella Grace!
Through his art, work, and passion,
Was Simoni able to be attuned to the source -
The genesis of the eternal flow
Of love, beauty, harmony and perfection!
He knew it was through him,
And the symphony of his chisel,
Did the profound intoxication of love,
Flow to the cold and white stone!
Also he knew the beauty was not his,
And so it was of none!
Beyond the realities –
Hard and Cold,
Of the physical world,
Simoni and the oak tree,
Was able to establish their link
With that invisible, impersonal and infinite!
They knew it was the gaps between their thoughts,
In the stillness was the potential bud,
Of all that was beautiful and divine!
That infinite creative sap,
Connected Simoni with the Gods!
For Gods could express themselves,
On the people and things of the mortal world,
Through the art of Simoni!
Either hidden or destroyed,
By the different finalities of the senses,
The Mortal world had lost its connection,
To the ever nourishing nectar!
But, in the hours of silence,
Simoni and the oak tree,
Could redeem their lost link!
It was just about being in the love with the Truth,
With passion and silence,
Investigating the profundity of life,
Discovering the mystery invisible
Beyond the distractions of appearance!
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