Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Silent but not Indifferent

Silent but certainly not indifferent
Stands she in sheer robe,
Arousing creation with her sensuality
With her desirable body,
And magnanimous soul.

Wakes up the whole cosmos
To a new morning
Inspired with her passion and beauty,
Like a hearth of fire,
She continues to blow life into
All that is proud to be alive!

The gushing Niagara,
The tumultuous Atlantic,
The persevering Nile,
The all alive Amazon,
The powerful glowing Sun,
The ever youthful Moon,
All throb with life anew.

Each new day, each new night,
Just being fed,
With the exciting energy
Of your throb,
The creation moves and grows,
My Love,
My God.

Yes, she is silent.
But not indifferent
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Song

For the limitless Presence of Thine O Lord,
Grateful am I beyond words.
To be truthful, I do not know what name to give to you, and your presence.
Anything, that I think - a friend, a lover, a muse, a charm, a blessing...
All appear trivially inadequate.

There is something beyond these words - That you are! Just that your suchness.
All the sparkles, fuzziness, contradictions and mystery of your presence,
Altogether, they weave a unique tapestry of splendor.

It is only thorough my song,
I see you, I feel you, I understand you.
You art not reached through my heart, mind or words.
Nor are you reachable through my emotions and yearnings.
The only way I am able to reach you,
Is through my song.

And the magic does not end there,
For in the intoxication of my song for you,
I forget myself, totally to nothingness,
And there is created a world,
Where there is only One - That is You.
In that omnipresence of you and your charm,
I relate to you, my God.

All that is hurtful and melancholy,
Do melt in the warmth of love,
Amidst the symphony of my song,
Mingled with your presence.
A new dimension you give to it,
Beyond the words, rhythm and life.

In this song, my God,
You have made me endless!
Such is thy pleasure.
A frail vessel am I,
But then filled am I,
Over and over again, with fresh Life.

Sometimes I wonder,
Is it my song,
Or is it Just You!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Flute's Endeavour

Taking up a task so far beyond one's powers,
The flute pressed on to the
Lotus lips of The Lord,
Determined to play the music of love,
Meandering through the landscape of life.

Like the impossible task of Arjuna
Of trying to comprehend,
The essence of The Geeta!
Each time confused,
He pleads for the one simplified way to the truth,
Only to find himself,
Perplexed even more,
After an elaborate Song of The Lord, 
Propounding the mystery of life,
In reply.

The little flute of reed,
Being carried over hills and dales,
O Lord, held in thy palm,
Breath thou, through it,
Melodies eternal and new.
Like a fountain of love,
Mingling with the beloved,
In the embrace of lust and love divine.

At the immortal touch of thine,
The little flute of reed,
Loses all it's limits in joy,
Gives birth to the tune ineffable.

Through the hollowness of 
The ordinary flute of reed,
Pours the never ending nectar of love,
Heard by creation,
As that potent song of Union,
Of the flute, and The Lord.
Ages pass,
And still Thou pourest,
And still there is room to fill.

Like that eternal love making,
Of Simoni and his Love,
The never ending craving,
Enhanced and sanctified by the ever youthful,
Thrust of enlivening love.
 Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

The Hidden Unity

The incredible multiplicity of the Beloved,
Manifested in the thousands of forms,
The bountiful autumn,
The colorful spring,
The silent and pristine winter,
The passionate summer,
The specialness of the presence
Of all men, and women,
Of all times and spaces,
All in their multiplicity,
Make up the Unity,
The Unity of 
O Lady with The Most Beautiful Eyes!
Yes, some call her God.

Like the white light,
Which in her mindful silence,
With all her diverse lights of the spectrum,
Integrates all in homogenous presence 
Of that all accepting Whiteness.

Fallen and then stood in Love,
Did Simoni for damsels and nature,
For music, art and stories.
All in the crescendo of novelty and diversity,
Did play for him,
The unified orchestra of
The One, The Lady, 
Angella for Simoni, 
An invisible mystery 
Of life and attraction for many.

The hidden love and direction of life,
Revisits in all her wild and divine 
Lust, love, enchantment, inspiration and ardor,
Like a hidden unity of meaning,
Encompassing in its essence in divinity,
All the tumultuous, transient, and disintegrated
Waves of life.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mingling in thine essence

"Desire was there to mingle with Thou",
Soliloquy'd Simoni, "Or would I say,
The desire was born that way.
Never did I know
Why was it born?
Probably it was my destiny"

Another stance of a miracle again hit him;
A grace right from the world of higher spirits.
And he was in trance for the whole winter.
Now, when the winter is gone,
In a position was he,
To pen down what I went through.
It was overwhelming. It was breathtaking.
Yes, it was unbelievable. Absolutely unthinkable.
Such a joy was it.
His heart was light, and it was flowing in trance of exuberance.
Yes, it was an ecstasy he had never known.
It was so tenderly strong.
He gasped, "I have been feeling under surface in my soul so long: an incarnation.
It had to become manifest. So much desire must create a reality.
My love was sprouting out of my heart,
Determined to create a figment, an artifact of that divine state of being."

Angela when blossomed from the white marble,
On that full moon night,
Reflecting all its silvery glory,
On the still stream by the fountain.
And when she wrote on the canvas open,
The verses of the Rubaiyat.
On the sepia background..

Simoni fell enchanted,
Watching the beautified letters, with confident strokes of shiny mysterious black,
Flowing with perfection,
Like a seal diving into the still stream.
Was he standing there, in awe.
Skiing in ease, with youthful wild throb in his heart,
Stupefied with the intoxication of her magic.
He was just watching in awe,
Those impeccable strokes,
Perfect the first time, and every time,
Confident, open, bold, artistic, and glorious.
They were as if pulling his heart out,
Taking it in its tempo,
To a world unknown.
And he stayed, surrendered in his totality,
Allowing the flow to take him to the world new,
To taste that exotic presence of beauty.

Then, Simoni thought, "let me mingle with your essence,
With your flow, with your writing"
And then I too wrote on another row,
Just below the strokes of Angella,
The same words, in his way, in his style, in his might.

Then, Simoni saw his writing, and hers.
He could see they were like made for each other,
One completing the other.
They were so unique, Also they were so alike,
They were so class apart, But they were also so close together.
He could feel the sense of mingling of the souls,
The mutual camaraderie,
Through his writing and hers.
Amazing was the feeling of belonging,
Incredible was the feeling of being a part of her,
Sailing together, in unison, in harmony,
As the dance of salsa,
Being the symphony itself.

"Desire was there to mingle with Thou",
Soliloquy'd Simoni, "Or would I say,
The desire was born that way.
Never did I know
Why was it born?
Probably it was my destiny"

But the Simoni stopped, and contemplated,
"Beginning am I to cherish,
What it means to mingle with your essence,
Your essential beauty,
Your expression of art,
In your voice, your gestures, your writings,
And yes, the radiance of your presence."

He continued,
"Your essence understands me, though you don't.
Your art, and your stance, your magic, your elegance, your enchantment,
All knows me, and loves me, though you don't.
I feel good to be with the essential,
To be in love, in communion, with that essence,
The essence of Love,
The essence of Beauty,
The essence of Life and Light.
I care not,
Thou love me not.
Or probably you do.
Anyway is so inconsequential"


Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Beautiful Game of Life

From dream to the dream,
Here I tread the way
Who knows where I was before birth,
And who knows where will I go after death.

When I know the journey is not in my control,
Why I feign that I plan my life?
Probably just to make myself happy,
With the false hope of getting it the way I want.

Probably I will be never able
To even conceive the truth,
Discerning through the maze
Of diverse color and form.

Fearless, determined and with hope utmost,
Here I walk my own path.
When my heart curls inside in sadness of solitude,
Through the darkness of loneliness,
Sparkles the sky full of stars and the ever glowing moon,
Walking hand in hand,
With me, in my journey -
As companions in love - silent and pristine.

Where I am heading to,
What I am up to.
I know not.
Only know I one thing for certain.
I am in love with this beautiful life.
And here I explore the nature, the time and cosmos,
In sheer wonderment,
Of that invisible unknown mystery -
The mystery of that invisible Damsel Delight!

It is not just for the sheer diversity and novelty
The dream of existence fascinates me.
But also the web of Life -
The interdependencies, complexities and contradictions,
All making the mystery even more overwhelming,
Takes my breath off.

Certainly a simple play bores me.
So, here is the game that enthralls all imaginations anew,
With the transient landscape of all that is alive.
I try to make a sane sense of what is around,
Through the knitting together,
Tapestry of Life,
With the thread of Love.
The Beautiful Game of Life.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar