A body in loan have I got.
For a time very limited.
An opportunity to be alive
Bestowed on me
From some generous coincidence!
From the beginning of this journey
Have I got so much un-ending!
Does the universe owes me anything more?
I wonder, what I hold on to
Is that false sense of significance?
On my self, which any way is borrowed?
Or is that urge to be liked?
Though it does not do any good.
For I know, with every bashing,
I wake up to a new understanding!
A praise does me no good!
Just prolongs the homeostasis!
That deep urge to be accepted and loved,
I wonder is for whom!
Neither is this body mine,
Nor the mind.
Alit in this flesh and bones,
Just to know which has to be left,
All beautiful things around,
Has to be abandoned,
People, places enchanting all the way,
Have to be forgone!
When, I know all these are just in loan!
Invited I am
As a visitor new,
To this grand celebration of life!
The only thing I can do
Is to experience things anew!
For I know which every experience I have,
I discover who am I!
Is it not that the sole purpose?
With every uphill I climb,
With every sweat that tickles by,
With every line of poetry I write,
With each of those uncomfortable moments,
With each rejection more than acceptance,
With each failure, more than success,
With each tear, more than smile,
Do I realize more and more,
Who am I and what can I be more!
For it is more fun,
To risk out to avenues newer,
Taking the road less traveled,
Love and just love,
Contrasts in life,
Help me to make sense of things.
What puts me off,
Makes me realize what turns me on!
Each moment of hurt,
Awakens me to the love I have!
Duality like a black charcoal,
helps me to draw that beautiful sketch,
on the otherwise blank sheet of emptiness!
Does not those black marks,
On the background of dull blank emptiness,
The only things that make it worthwhile?
Let the scar be put,
Let the knife bleed,
Let the marks of adversity
beautify me!
For these are the strokes of
the Painting Divine,
on the blankness of life.
I know, the child never longs
To sleep and rest!
Each moment it is awake,
It tries out things anew,
For it falls, gets hurt,
but still continues on its
valiant endeavors!
For it listens to none,
Conforms only to what it feels!
May be, so they say,
Child is closer to God!
Life is that journey of the child,
Each moment expended to
Know itself more,
Discover what life has to give!
The worth of my existence,
Is not in how many love me!
But it is in the fact,
How many do I LOVE!
It is not in what all I get,
But how much I give!
For everything I have,
Is taken in loan!
Does the universe owes me anything more?
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Very well written! Flowing...verses - effortless!