Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Illusion of Understanding

There is a deep need hard wired in us humans to be loved, understood, accepted, and appreciated. Of-course it helps being loved, cared and respected, as these create positive emotions, triggering most of human creativity, originality, ingenuity and wellbeing. Due to this obvious significance, natural selection probably has favored the sustenance of this need over eons of evolution.
Thinking from the perspective of a brain scientist, or an evolution biologist such a deep craving to be loved and understood by others looks like un-called for. This is because, in entirety, our perceptions of life, people and events are based on what tale our brain tells us about them. The way the brain responds, is dependent on many factors – starting from pure genetic aspect, to the developmental stage of the brain cells at a point of time, to the way the cells are morphed based on the impacts of the culture, and experience of the subject.
Due to these varied pivotal points, obviously the brain of a person is vastly different from that of another. Each of them carries its own physiological and memetic idiosyncrasies. This immediately leads into immense variety of perception, outlook and capacity of understanding. Even a particular brain evolves in a life span. Hence the understanding and perspective at one point of time of a particular human might markedly be different from that at some other point of time.
Given that the sense of reality is what is carved out by a human brain, each person has a different world of reality for her. So, every human being is like a carrier of genetic and memetic expressions in their brain – giving them totally unique perception of life. This as a result, makes it very difficult for a person to really understand another in its entirety.
Given this vast diversity in cognitive abilities, it is a misplaced expectation on the part of a person that she might be loved and accepted by others – no matter how close or far they are related as per any sociological constructs they are involved into, what society generally terms a relationship.
Given this state of affair, no wonder most of the relationships humans enter into – either with another human, or with an organization or with a vision, are deeply conditioned with mutual needs. Till one or more needs of both the parties involved are met, the understanding is found. The moment there is a non equilibrium of needs, the relationship starts losing its sheen. Darwin explains such a phenomenon as normal in the animal kingdom. One might be seduced to accept the same logic for evolution of humans. But I feel it might be oversimplification of humanity as such to extrapolate Darwinian Theory to human evolution. By the way, Darwin had no mention of mankind in his entire book – Origin of Species.
Is the situation that hopeless? Is there no way in which there can be a sustainable understanding and bond created among humans, or institutions, which are un-conditional, and the probability of understanding and love are heightened?
In an effort to bring into some order into this confusion of diversity, probably various man-made interventions are put into place. For example in corporate world, these interventions are placed as standard operating procedures, roles and responsibilities, vision and mission statements, goal settings, etc. This attempts to bring some form of commonality in which the issues at hand can be interpreted by the work force. In case of wider social contexts, such interventions are put in place by traditions, culture, religion, mythologies, folk beliefs and rituals.
Ethnologists and evolutionary biologists have experimentally proved that human mind is like a basin to suck in any sort of external influences. A context created by such interventions help the mind to think in a particular direction, and develop a particular cognitive perspective which empathizes with people of similar beliefs. So, in the stage of a corporate world, where there are well defined context created – in the form of various interventions of organizational behaviors – management of human relations are easier.
But in a bigger diverse group which is not homogenized by a common belief, organization goal, ritual, religion or a vision, it becomes highly difficult to maintain a homogenous perspective, which can help further understanding and love. Every individual of such a diverse group thinks and judges things differently, causing deep differences in perceiving the reality.  This makes it daunting to create faith, bond, trust and a lasting relationship.
In the absence of such a formal discipline it is highly probable that a person is not understood, and is not loved in return. Even after prolonged effort, any attempt to make one to be understood, and loved mostly turns out futile.
Given this as the way humans are made, I take it as a useless enterprise to make people love you, or even expect people to understand you fully. In the name of social compassion and tolerance, I might be tolerated by others with a smile, but it is absolutely a lost war, if I work towards making others love me at their core. The creation of strong and deep bond between individuals cannot be forced on. It can however organically grow between people if there are common grounds discovered and appreciated mutually.
Sometimes deep bonds do get created as one partakes her journey of life. But most of the times this happens because a similarity in the perspectives of the mind – either due to similar cultural impact on the mind, or a similar genetic makeup of the physiology of the brain. But generally speaking such a deep mutual bond, love and faith is difficult to be created in general.
Given this dilemma of life, at max a person can do her part best to her knowledge – deriving happiness by using ones signature strengths every day in the main realms of living. At the same time, using these signature strengths to forward knowledge, power, or goodness, the person creates a meaning to her existence. All these are done without any expectation to win over anyone else’s affection.
Life becomes a solitary journey undertaken as an opportunity to learn, grow, explore and express. It becomes like an enterprise undertaken by Michelangelo – 12000 sq feet paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel for 4 continuous years – no way bothered about what any art critic will opine about his art, when he is finished with it. Life becomes like a Mozart being in FLOW, working on his prodigious compositions least worried about how many applause will be conferred to him when he performs it on the stage.
Being in this steadfast journey using ones signature strengths, doing something one is proud of, at the same time leaving behind a legacy, with a work of beauty, creates a fulfilling life.
It might be worth keeping in perspective that one cannot force others love and understand oneself. But at least, the person can love others to extremes of her ability. This understanding might start with a person and her ways, but it transcends beyond her – to life’s purpose, vision, a meaning of existence – to probably life itself, or might be beyond life – to multiple lives – continuing through eternity.

Life therefore probably can be perceived as an endeavor of solitary engagement into something that adds to overall beauty of creation.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Art of Choice

Risen have we humans,
Out of the deemed savageness,
To the beautiful pedestal
Of Grace and Beauty -

The rich cultures,
Varied and profound!

The lovely languages,
Songs and Stories!

The grand rituals,
Rules and Rhythms!

The noble restraint,
Adding to passion a beautiful dimension!

The elegance of fashion,
Carving out beauty to the next level!

The meticulous pursuit of science and rationality,
Di-ciphering the love of God!

Addiction to that honorable poise,
Transcending the genetic urge!

That steadfast resolve,
To live for a grand a purpose!

The choice to always love,
Over hatred and indifference!

The decision to always smile,
Over thorns and petals,
Holding the tears always hidden in heart,
Giving away Laughter and Joy!

Painting the landscape of life,
With colors just right,
Strokes just perfect,
Not a streak less,
Not a streak more!

The art of keeping that right balance,
Between Freedom and Responsibility,
With elegance and class!

Grateful am I
For being granted this art!
In the form of Choice,
Being a human!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Solitude – A Grace

Eons Far from the Bustle
Of Mortals and Gods,
Of Rights and Wrongs,
Of Elation and Heartbreak,
Of Expectation and Indifference,
Of Win and Lose,
Of Beauty, and Ugly,
Of Smile and Weep,
Here I walk in Solitude –
A lonely soul,
Flowing in this
Benignly indifferent Universe!

Blessed is my beloved - my Solitude,
Which none can steal!
Always very close to my heart,
Which none can part!

Adds a unique grace,
To my being,
My Solitude divine!

For it gives the space,
To weave the tapestry of my love,
Tempered with
Indifference and aloofness,
With distance and poise!

With the throbbing urge,
I die to express and own!
But then the Solitude,
Makes me savor my love,
Being intoxicated with the dream,
Without having to own it!

For the Solitude,
Helps not to own the dream,
For whatever you own,
Loses its value!
No matter how precious it occurred once!

The Solitude,
Builds that grace in life,
Building up the sweet pain!
Keeping composure,
Making one taste
The carefree ramblings
Of a drunkard!

All the beauty of life,
Of love and passion,
Gets embellished with
An added grace,
With the intoxicating
Hue of Solitude!

Solute gives the unstrung freedom,
To sing the song of the heart,
To write the poems of the soul,
To be original,
To continue to be in love!
In Hope and despair!

Solitude creates that perspective,
The bigger picture,
To cherish the gift of
Togetherness, love, and friendship!
Inspiring to be more human -
In peace and harmony!

As a silent observer,
Watching the dance of creation,
From birth to death,
Millions of millions of years,
Passing by,
In the garden of solitude,
I sing the song of my heart!
Expressing my gratitude,
For being alive!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Ocean and the Moon

Long long ago.
Once upon a time,
In a distant land,
There was an ocean –
Pure and white,
Vast with passion profound.

One night,
Gazing at the starry sky,
Unknowingly he committed
A beautiful blunder!
He fell in love with the moon!

Unaware was the Moon,
About this passion
From the unknown lands.

She was a fairy always carefree.
Hailing from the green mountains,
Bonhomie for sky and stars was she!

Her countenance was as amorous
As Venus’s own kiss!
She used to trod the starry ways,
Caressing the bosom of the sky!

The lovelorn ocean,
Throbbing with restless waves,
Called his beloved,
Wide and loud!
For he just wanted a kind glance,
A Smile to put him to trance!

By the ocean, was walking
A little girl holding the finger of her father.
Astounded at the ocean’s desperate call,
She exclaimed with inquisition deep,
“What does the ocean want?”
“What does this timeless, tireless, melancholy roar mean?”

Daddy stopped by.
For he could feel the ocean,
Kissing his bare feet,
And whispering in his ears -
What did he actually want!
What was the timeless, tireless, melancholy roar mean!

Father’s heart did sink,
With a lump in his throat,
He tried to explain to the little girl,
“The ocean is celebrating,
With a passionate song,
Singing to the fullness of his heart,
Trying to reach out to the Moon,
Expressing his bliss being in love!”

The little girl being confused,
Wondered – “but the Moon from such distant skies,
Will always see a serene ocean, calm and quiet!
With countenance decorated with a peaceful smile!”
 “How will ever Moon know – How deeply the ocean loved?”
“How will the ocean get the Moon?”
“Is it all not love’s labor lost?”

Pitying at her ignorance,
The father smiled,
“Baby – love is not about give and take,
Love is not about being loved in return!
Love is not a treaty, or a pursuit to steal somebody.

Rather – love is a dream, a sweet pain, an intoxication!
It makes an ocean – The Ocean!
And a moon – The Moon!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A heartfelt Salute…

A heartfelt salute to the Egyptians!
You took the risk – jumped in the fire –
Made a better world!

I salute the brave souls
Who cared about their dream,
Took that big leap,
Going beyond the
Genetic urge to play safe!

I salute those evolved beings,
Who see their purpose
Before their pleasures.
For whom being alive,
Is an opportunity to
Make a better world!

I salute those gallant hearts,
Who had the courage to
Go beyond being cynical,
Holding a hope,
Giving goodness a chance!

I salute those passionate souls,
Who went beyond looking good,
And had the courage,
To take that risk –
To express their love,
Knowing it was irrelevant,
Whether they got it back!

I salute those Gods,
In flesh and blood,
Who define their being alive,
With creating a work of art,
Every awake moment,
Either with a job well done,
Or bringing a smile to others,
Adding to the collective wellbeing,
Either by a kind pat,
Or a compassionate smile!

I salute those brethren,
Who go beyond what is apparent,
And takes that valiant stride,
To re-look at things,
With a perspective of love!

I salute those sages,
Who are incurable romantic,
Spilling over with love,
For one and all,
Painting a lovely life,
For themselves and others,
Today, tomorrow and forever..

I salute those honorable beings,
For whom love is –
All about giving,
All about expressing,
All about caring,
All about kindness,
All about compassion,
All about understanding!
And nothing about getting
Anything in return!

They are forever in rapture –
Intoxicated, building memories,
Of love pristine,
Woven into a beautiful dream!
With no intent,
To shatter the dream divine,
Into the crass reality!

For their love and care!
Is a style of being alive,
Falling in love -
With a person, a cause, a dream, a purpose!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sometimes it is best unsaid..

With all its love,
The great banyan tree,
Has spread its restful shadow,
Giving solace to countless travelers!

With all its care,
The Nile has provided for,
Many civilizations,
Since eternity!

With all its warmth,
The Sun has been giving,
With all its power,
Vigor and light to countless
Beings on this planet!

The road has been
Enduring with patience,
All hardships of countless feet,
Tires and wheels!
Always open with spread arms,
Guiding every soul,
To its destination!

The green fields,
Have always allowed
Itself to be smothered,
So that it can grow food
For we humans!

After nourishing its own
Choicest fruits and flowers,
The tree, gives them all,
In their full youth,
To gratify our whims!

The universe keeps ticking
With absolute accuracy,
Keeping that delicate balance On!
So that we can breathe and be alive,
Not getting hurtled with ferocious speed,
To some dark corner of the universe!

All of them,
Do love us more than their own selves!
Not for one day, or two.
But for ages countless!

Gallantly have they chosen
Never to express,
Their heartfelt love and longing!
With heart full of honor and love
They were always quiet!
Today and ages gone by.
Or any future to come!

For they know –
Sometime it is best unsaid..
Or might be they are aware –
That profound love might not
Be accommodated in the shallow
Expression of an in-animate language!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Thursday, February 10, 2011

An Alter life..

Living from morning to night,
Birth to death, do I live many alter lives!
Phases they come in, and pass by,
Like changing seasons.
Have I died so many a times,
Have been born afresh –
With new hope and new love!

Various shades of the rainbow,
Each held impeccably stretched
Across the sky of my awareness.
Each shade sings a new song,
Writes a new poem,
Sends a new blessing!

In some shade,
They call me a professional!
Respected and paid for
A Job I am proud of!
Creating history in my way,
Every day – every moment.

In some shade,
I am the loving father,
Gracefully holding the tiny hand
Of my daughter, helping her to grow,
Meaningfully and Joyously!

In some shade,
I am the darling husband,
With heart full of love and care,
For my better half – her life, and her dreams!

In some shade,
I am the heart of a friend,
Strong and confidant,
A shoulder for support!

In some shade,
I am the loving son,
Of two old, cute and loving souls!

In some shade,
There I sit,
Writing down my feelings,
As they flow through,
These words,
Shouting at me –
Calling myself
An incurable romantic maverick!

So many lives,
So many roles,
So many shades!

Skiing from one dream to the other,
Elegantly I keep expressing,
The pleasure of being alive,
Through a beautiful poem,
Through an expression of love,
Through a dream of hope,
Through a gesture of kindness,
Through a purpose grand!

I owe you nothing,
Nothing do I expect from!
Just wanted to thank you O Lord,
For an opportunity to express,
For an opportunity to love,
For an opportunity to feel,
The bountiful zest of your creation!

No one shade is mine,
No one dream is what I hold on forever!
I am a fleeting soul -
A beautiful tune,
Weaving the lyrics
Of the Song of being alive!
Experiencing and expressing,
The profundity,
Of Life itself!

There is no fear,
Nothing is there to lose,
For nothing is for real!
All but figments of imagination –
Creations of a dream –
Just different shades of the rainbow!

Till the last breath of mine,
Till I lay there cold and hard,
Ready to be burnt to ashes,
And strewn in the Ganges,
May I live every moment,
Being of some use,
To you, to them, and to the world!
May I contribute in my way,
Beautifying this world –
In style of mine -
May be with another beautiful poem,
Or another expression of love,
Determined to discover depths deeper than ever,
In the passion of love!
May be by painting the angel,
With the most beautiful eyes,
May be being awake the whole night,
Burning mid-night oil,
Toiling for a dream,
Worth pursuing for the mankind!
May be just being,
A Maverick – casual and happy!

I live not for myself,
Not for any ego,
Or an identity of mine!
My life is just song,
Of experience and expression,
Leaving behind an excitement – an orgasm!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Am I just a Human?

Am I just another living creature?
With flesh and blood,
And some say soul.
With my prejudices,
Beliefs, fears, biases,
And superstitions!

Am I just another living creature?
With a sense of right and wrong,
Good and bad,
You and me,
Ideas of interesting and boring!

Am I just another living creature?
Struggling to make ends meet,
Sweating to ear my living,
Managing with my liabilities and

Am I just another living creature?
Led by my genetic urge,
To eat, prey, and reproduce.

Or may be I am
A temporary carrier of
All that is beautiful and bright!
All the virtues and inspiring traits!
Rising against all cynicism with
A ray of hope, and love!
All what is positive,
That natural selection,
Aided to evolve!

Being transient my design,
Conceived as a carrier,
Only for a short duration –
A small blip in eternity!
I do my best passing
Down all what is happy and bright,
To the posterity for ever.

The purpose of my life,
Is fulfilled with great grandeur,
If I am just am able to be what I am,
In its most superlative form,
Carrying with me
The light of love,
Understanding, peace!

With a deep seated,
Human defiance against,
Anything what is mean and negative,
I stand as a means – a channel –
And a bearer of the cross,
To show to the world,
There is always a hope,
For love deserves always another chance,
In every moment and in every age!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Gods of the world

Do I need to believe
In stories and myths?
Do I need to believe in
Fairy tale characters as Gods?

Do not I have Gods all round me?
In the form of lovely friends,
Family and fellow brethren?
Why do I need to enclose myself
In the dungeon of my head
Contemplating a hypothetical entity,
Whose experience is itself
Borrowed either from a book
Or Another human –
In flesh, blood and passion.

I proclaim not
The non-existence of God.
Rather I proclaim Her (why His) nearness,
To be in my everyday life,
In the form of
Beautiful, creative, valiant, and authentic
Human souls –
My family, friends and my fellow brethren.

I dedicate all my moments
Of being alive to all my living Gods -
Throbbing with life and love!

Better they are for sure,
Than the lifeless, cold, hard, deaf and dumb
Gods of the world!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Why am I feeling so lonely?

Why I am feeling so lonely?
Walking under the star lit sky,
Holding hand of the bright full moon,
With the invisible hands of my sight,
By the roaring sea shore,
On the cold sand,
Why am I feeling so lonely?

I have millions of stars,
Watching me walk barefoot.
Millions of galaxies
Silently passing me their blessings,
In the silent cold night,
Interrupted with the roars of waves!
Why am I feeling so lonely?

So may wavelets from the sea,
Moaning with passion high,
Comes to just have a touch of my feet,
And then they die!
Why am I feeling so lonely?

Those most beautiful eyes,
Through the starry skies,
Sending me sparkling twinkles,
Whispering to my heart,
With silent loving glance,
Embracing me with silvery moonlit warmth!
Why am I feeling so lonely?

Being blessed to be able
To see the beautiful bird
With golden wings,
Glossy feathers and young and smart!
With the most beautiful eyes,
Fly high and far!
Why am I feeling so lonely?

May be it is this loneliness,
Which holds the charm forever!

May be it is that,
Which beautifies the existence,
With fond and beautiful memories!

May be it is that,
Which makes me feel,
How precious is God’s most beautiful creation is!

May be it is that,
Which entitles me to that pleasure,
Pleasure of being in the fragrant garden,
Of the dreams of the Goddess,
With the most beautiful eyes!

May be it is that,
Which gives the excuse to be alive!

May be it is that,
Which makes my existence,
Full of hope and love,

May be it is that,
Which makes love
Overflow in all aspect of my life!

May be it is that which,
Re-affirms me that
I am an incurable romantic maverick.
And I love being like that!

May be it makes me believe,
God is not dead!

May be it makes me happy,
Knowing that it is that
Which leads my Goddess,
To happiness and peace!

May I be lonely forever!
For that will never make
The bird with the golden feather – “uncomfortable”
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Friday, February 4, 2011

Another excerpt from the Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho

[From Maria's diary, on the eve of buying her ticket back to Brazil]:

Once upon a time, there was a bird. He was adorned with two perfect wings and with glossy, colorful marvelous features. In short, he was a creature made to fly about freely in the sky, bringing joy to everyone who saw him.
One day, a woman saw this bird and fell in love with him. She watched his flight, her mouth wide in amazement, her heart pounding, her eyes shining with excitement. She invited the bird to fly with her, and the two traveled across the sky in perfect harmony. She  admired and venerated and celebrated that bird.
But then she thought : He might want to visit far-off mountains! And she was afraid, afraid that she would never feel the same way about any other bird. And she felt envy, envy for the bird's ability to fly. And she felt alone. And she thought: "I am going to set a trap. The next time the bird appears, he will never leave again."
The bird, who was also in love, returned the following day, fell into the trap and was put in a cage.
She looked at the bird every day. There he was, the object of her passion, and she showed him to her friends, who said: "Now you have everything you could possibly want." However, a strange transformation began to take place: now that she had the bird and no longer needed to woo him, she began to lose interest. The bird, unable to fly and express the true meaning of his life, began to waste away and his feathers to lose their gloss; he grew ugly; and the woman no longer paid him any attention, except by feeding him and cleaning out his cage.
One day, the bird died. The woman felt terribly sad and spent all her time thinking about him. But she did not remember the cage, she thought only of the day when she had seen him for the first time, flying contentedly among the clouds.
If she had looked more deeply into herself, she would have realized that what had thrilled her about the bird was his freedom, the energy of his wings in motion, not his physical body.
Without the bird, her life too lost all meaning, and Death came knocking at her door. "Why have you come?" she asked Death. "So that you can fly once more with him across the sky", Death replied - "If you had allowed him to come and go, you would have loved and admired him even more; alas, you now need me in order to find him again"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ramblings of a Maverick – A Love Story from a dream

Walking down the archaic lanes,
Beside vast green farms,
Met I one sunny bright day
A woman with the Most Beautiful Eyes!
Instant was the intoxication –
My soul allowed itself to be possessed with her love!
For one simple reason –
There was an ageless attraction,
With no expectation anywhere!

This is the story of
The most beautiful woman!
More beautiful than any that reality can afford.
Too divine for the mortal world to hoard!
Though not real,
Just for the sake of the dream,
Come to my side,
For it is worth taking the ride!
Another story of one mortal’s dream!
Fear there is none – for reality it is not!

It is enough just to love her,
To be with her in my thoughts
To color this existence of mine,
With her smile, her words, her love!
For time very less is left!
The Clock is ticking high,
The dream is passing by!

The feeling of love,
It is what comes from within
 Being blessed with her presence
In thoughts and dreams!
The feeling is pure, true and divine.
It knows no fear, no guilt, no whine!

It really does not matter,
What she thinks of me.
Is there cold indifference
Or arduous passion,
That resides in her bosom
Is Irrelevant!
For the wetness of the dew,
Comes from within it,
Does not matter – It is dawn or dusk!

When I leave this world,
This world of dream,
When I breathe out the last breath,
Leaving everything behind,
My dream will have a face
And a name and the memory
Of those bright, and profound eyes!
A life left behind adorned with
The Most beautiful eyes,
Ushering one to even a more beautiful soul!

Then one day bright,
Walking by the archaic path,
Decided I to take the risk,
And jump on the fire!
Revealed I with a throbbing heart –
My love for her!
I had to garner the courage,
To speak out what felt so right,
I had to break the bondage of fear,
Created and closely knit by the
Phantoms of mind!
I had to die completely,
And then being born again!
For aware was I,
The Clock was ticking high,
The dream is passing by!

Of course there was a deep fear,
Of being looked down,
Being thrown into the ocean of ordinary –
“ways men are…”
Being labeled as another stereotype!

But then there was a looming hope,
A faith – that the soul might be given
A benefit of doubt,
And a chance to be loved in return!
But that was just a faith, and no condition!
For no strings of want, and expectation,
Had caged the deep love of the soul!

I don’t know what I call this bond!
Name of this attraction the soul feels.
Know I not,
In the language of the mortal land.
For I know my love is not of this age,
And this soil.

The dream had to end,
- As did all dreams,
Ending out, and giving way,
To a new dream –
A delusion – we call reality!

But this “awaken” state knew
No such unconditional LOVE!
No air was there for my love to breathe!
The Clock did chime,
The slumber did break!
So did my love.
Shattered was it,
Dropped on the hard and stony
Floor of Reality!
The real world saw its demise.

She turned away and got lost,
In the mist of distant lands!
The music was no more audible,
The hue was no more in the rainbow!
Suddenly all was dead and cold,
Grey and dull!

But, determined was my soul,
Not to surrender to the
Delusion of realism!
For it knew for sure,
Its love is youthful,
To Eternity!
Only what was needed,
Was an escape from the dream
Of the real world!
A Freedom from being ALIVE!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The warriors for a cause!

They are the warriors for a cause,
Concerned they are never
Of their self-importance.
Cared never did they,
To be loved, or accepted.
They do not desire to appear
Good to other’s eyes.
They never cared for their safety,
Nor stability.
They hated to “settle down”.
They loved many,
Not expecting any love in return.
They helped many,
Not expecting any help in barter.
With naked bosom,
They exposed their soul
To the striking thunder!
They cared for something,
Bigger than their own life!

They are the warrior for a cause,
Calling themselves – a means to the mission!
They exist because of a vision,
A purpose guides their every breath.
They are not Nouns – but verbs!
Every busy creating something inspiring!
They exist to create – something they are proud of.

They do not desire any pleasure,
Nor any comfort, or wealth.
They are steadfast in the battle
Of creating something new,
Making the world better!

They know they can never lose anything,
For they never owned any!
They know – there are things
More important than Fear!
They know life is about
Discovering your limits,
And raising the bar!
They know life is about
Adventure and learning more!

They have a song to sing,
A poem to write,
A tune to play!
They know that they
Will not die,
With the music still in heart!

They stand for ethical development
For the humanity
In the optimal direction of fruitioning!
They are the dams
Guiding the waves of Evolution
To something more meaningful!

They stand not for themselves,
But for a cause – bigger than their own life!
They are the warriors for a cause.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

The Paradise of Illusion

Drugged in love,
Drenched in passion,
Of some divine attraction,
Was I swaying on the waves of life.

Only did I see bright tulips miles before me,
Bright blue sky, embracing the meadow green.
The hue of love decorated every ray of the Sun,
Weaving a tapestry of rainbow
Glue together with the bond of illusion.

For even a blowing wind,
Would appear as your loving caress,
A causal twitter of the sparrow,
Would appear as your amorous whisper,
The glow of the full moon,
Looked as your loving and approving smile,
From the depth of the most beautiful eyes,
Could I feel the overpowering and numbing attraction.
Each glance of yours,
Would appear as gift of one full life!

But then, did the slumber break!
The fluffy illusion
Fell on the cold reality – with a thud.
For I realized – all was nothing but
A Paradise of Illusions.
Made – brick by brick
From within the deepest core of my heart!
The real world was dry, and dark.
Just what remained was utter indifference.

They say – life is hard and cold,
They say – some things are better not expressed ever.
They say – all dreams don’t turn real.

But, did I decide to
Turn to the untrodden way.
I stick to my Paradise of Illusion –
For it was my creation,
From the depth of my heart,
Something that felt so true, and so right!

I see the cold and hard day,
From the countenance of my Paradise,
Where our souls meet!
I radiate out the same fervor and love,
But yes - You are free to turn away…

I look to the open sky
With a smile in my face,
Thanking God that I am alive,
For I can feel your love in my heart.
Is that not more than enough?
For this life, and many more to come?

Being in the Paradise of illusion,
Savoring the warmth of affection,
No matter what others see
In the real world – cold and hard!
I sing the song of your love,
Louder than ever,
None to hear,
But my own soul – and yours!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar