Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Ocean and the Moon

Long long ago.
Once upon a time,
In a distant land,
There was an ocean –
Pure and white,
Vast with passion profound.

One night,
Gazing at the starry sky,
Unknowingly he committed
A beautiful blunder!
He fell in love with the moon!

Unaware was the Moon,
About this passion
From the unknown lands.

She was a fairy always carefree.
Hailing from the green mountains,
Bonhomie for sky and stars was she!

Her countenance was as amorous
As Venus’s own kiss!
She used to trod the starry ways,
Caressing the bosom of the sky!

The lovelorn ocean,
Throbbing with restless waves,
Called his beloved,
Wide and loud!
For he just wanted a kind glance,
A Smile to put him to trance!

By the ocean, was walking
A little girl holding the finger of her father.
Astounded at the ocean’s desperate call,
She exclaimed with inquisition deep,
“What does the ocean want?”
“What does this timeless, tireless, melancholy roar mean?”

Daddy stopped by.
For he could feel the ocean,
Kissing his bare feet,
And whispering in his ears -
What did he actually want!
What was the timeless, tireless, melancholy roar mean!

Father’s heart did sink,
With a lump in his throat,
He tried to explain to the little girl,
“The ocean is celebrating,
With a passionate song,
Singing to the fullness of his heart,
Trying to reach out to the Moon,
Expressing his bliss being in love!”

The little girl being confused,
Wondered – “but the Moon from such distant skies,
Will always see a serene ocean, calm and quiet!
With countenance decorated with a peaceful smile!”
 “How will ever Moon know – How deeply the ocean loved?”
“How will the ocean get the Moon?”
“Is it all not love’s labor lost?”

Pitying at her ignorance,
The father smiled,
“Baby – love is not about give and take,
Love is not about being loved in return!
Love is not a treaty, or a pursuit to steal somebody.

Rather – love is a dream, a sweet pain, an intoxication!
It makes an ocean – The Ocean!
And a moon – The Moon!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar


  1. Newton worked on the theory of Gravity and you have worked on the the Gravity of Love.....awesome

  2. Thank you Sapcertified for your kind words!! You made my evening! Thanks again!!

  3. Soon Moon realizes that distance can't make us apart
    he becomes silent and take Moon's snapshot.

    Beautiful Samrat :)

  4. Breezy.. :)
    Great imagination..
    I've seen moon's reflection in oceans.i was thinking those as just reflection.. after reading this, i'm thinking those as portrait drawn by ocean all over its body just to express how deep it loves moon..

  5. Wow! Beautiful! Thank you Murali!!
