Monday, August 8, 2011

The Futility

No matter how much you earn,
Futile it is to be proud of.
For soon comes the yearning for more,
When you see people even richer,
Having all those possessions, which you still don’t have!

No matter how high you climb,
Futile is the rest.
For always you are below someone.
Always there is a man you want to become,
There are powers you still don’t have,
Status you have still to earn!

No matter how creative you are,
Futile it is to be complacent.
For there is always that budding prodigy in coming,
To make your art look without sheen!

No matter how many hearts you have won,
Futile is to feel accepted and absolute.
For you will in a moment discover,
People who have just opposite takes,
Rejecting you forever, with smiles fake!

No matter how talented you are,
Futile it is to feel gifted.
For you will come upon soon,
People with many folds talents more than you!

In this ocean of futility,
Futile it is even,
To be hopeless!

It is about how better one can be.
It is about how much one can use oneself –
Ones time, energy, knowledge, and skills,
To create something that makes a difference!
It is about how genuinely and authentically,
One can leave the stamp of one’s own self,
In what one does,
Each time leaving a better version of the self – one after another!

It is not about reaching a destination,
Or to be like someone, someday!
Rather it is about what is done,
That expresses who one is at her core,
And what one stands for!

It is about achieving those incremental victories,
Each and every day – in one’s own ways,
No matter how small in scale!

It is about being consistent in the direction,
The direction of the full blossoming of one’s own unique self!

At the end of the day,
It is not about what you do.
But how meaningful was it what you have done!
It is about creating a difference,
No matter how insignificant.
But the point is about making a difference,
A positive difference!

It is not about what would have been,
It is neither about what went wrong.
It is even not about that you fell down.
Rather it is about the direction you looked at,
After the fall!
It is about the road you took,
After being defeated!
It is about the story you create,
At the face of the frustration!

It is not just about the journey.
Destination is important!
It is the grandeur of the destination,
What keeps the journey on!
It is the passion for the destination,
That creates the power to face perils,
And keep the journey continued!

If the destination chosen
Is in competition with someone else,
If it is a passion to out-do someone,
Or be “like” someone,
Or might be to prove something to someone,
The journey taken is futile –
A war already lost!

It is about being aware of oneself,
It is about leveraging one’s own unique circumstances,
It is about making best use of what life has to offer,
It is about being receptive about
One’s own uniqueness –
Uniqueness of one’s temperament,
Of one’s own interests and likes,
Of one’s strengths and weaknesses,
Of one’s own life circumstances!
And then, creating something unique, something novel,
Which has the imprint of all that is unique –
All that is special with one’s own existence –
Creating a never before painting,
Expressing one’s own true self –
Never in competition with someone else!

Time is to take a break from the rat race,
Detaching oneself from
The apathy in human soul:
The ever faster pace of our lives,
The lack of contact with nature,
The artificiality of our relationships and communications,
The ephemeral and utilitarian goals we set for ourselves!

The time is to be an authentic human being:
Who can distinguish between,
The essential Vs the non-essential,
And yet give both their proper values.
Who can be creative and free,
At the same time responsible and graceful.
Who keeps her journey on,
Inspite of obstacles many!
A journey towards her chosen destination,
Unique and very personal to who she is,
And what she stands for!

It is about keeping the glow of the destination alive,
With fuel of faith, love, hope and courage!
It is about defining one’s own worth,
With the scale, beauty, meaning and novelty of that destination!

It is about being busy walking the road less taken,
Persevering the peril of time,
Incrementally improving oneself,
Making one worthy of the beacon emitting destination!

It is about seeing the unseen,
In the darkness of reality,
Through the light created from within!

Futile it is to sing someone else’s song.
But rather breaking open that silent music,
Deep hidden in one’s own heart,
To resonate with the sky and the stars!

It is about waking up from the slumber of futility.
To the new dawn of
Meaning, Freedom, Creativity, Grace and Responsibility!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

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