What is life’s philosophy, for my little self?
Was a question I was contemplating on.
Searching was I answer for none other, Just for my self,
Answer which works for me, and just for me.
You might laugh Or might find it irrelevant.
Might be that you call me a fool.
May be I am one.
But this is what I feel right,
Just for me, and my little self.
Life for me is working hard to earn my living.
With care and concentration carrying out my duties,
Enjoying and contemplating on simple things in my little life –
The job, the books, music, art, my poems,
The city life in public bus, my family and friends,
The characters of my poems, the open blue sky,
The changing seasons, the blossoming flowers.
All make me feel, part of one big family.
A family encompassing all flora and fauna!
A family containing all of humanity!
Where, I am at home,
At every moment, every day, with every person,
And every circumstance!
Life for me is giving understanding and compassion,
Even on the face of hatred and rudeness.
Being so, is not about being righteous and grand.
Rather it is about giving space, freedom and respect
To the other, who has a different point of view.
Being so, is more about exercising the choice out of “hatred for hatred” and “tit for tat”,
As it is a heavy burden to carry, and tough maths to tally,
That too in a transitory and short journey of life.
It is a decision more out of self-love,
To be free and happy. To love and care.
Life for me is actively creating the relatedness
With people, institutions, things and circumstances around.
A relatedness that is born from the womb of affection and compassion.
A relatedness that is born out of the desire to increase one’s awareness and mindfulness.
A relatedness which is more focused on productively and creatively
Bring out an aspect of beauty, over the debate of who was right.
Life for me is being relevant to others,
Either with a caring gesture, or a helping hand.
It is about being of some use,
In bringing happiness and beauty around.
You are not separate from me.
You create who I am, in your thoughts, in your judgments, in your biases.
You make me realize who I am, and who I am not.
You are my extended self.
For without you,
How would I ever have discovered what I stand for?
Life for me is not being moved by adversity,
Brought by my little self,
Giving into the crass basic instincts of
Judgments, hatred, anger and ego.
It is about being victorious over them,
Overpowering the darkness with the light of
Love, peace, understanding, respect, compassion and concern.
This light is sometimes not visible with the eyes.
But is visible only through heart.
It is about being present not to the absence of love.
But to the presence of barriers within my little self,
Hindering the radiance of love ushering in.
Yes. It is a choice – simple, but stern.
Not giving into what the eye sees, and the mind thinks.
But to let heart overpower all that is shallow,
With the embrace of positivism and love.
Yes. Positivism is the essence of the aesthetics of life.
It might appear to be an illusion to many.
But I remind myself,
An illusion is an illusion till it is discovered that it was not so.
And that discovery should be given a chance.
The chance gives space and respect to the other – a person or circumstance,
To be who they are, and what they stand for,
And allows creation of a world which is really diverse and mutually respectful.
For every such an instance, creates an opportunity to learn, to grow, to evolve.
Life for me is enjoying every moment of my life,
Lost in my own tune – a tune consciously created, every moment.
The unending symphony of
Goodness, service, contemplation, devotion, and ethics.
Consciously unheeding to the endless drone
Of hatred, generalization, meanness, fear, prejudices and self-importance.
It is going beyond what is obvious,
Consciously creating what is desired.
It is an active war,
Defeating the passiveness of cynicism to
The Vigor of bright and happy positivity!
Life for me is overcoming the desire to have more,
Trying to live with the least,
Being a giver instead of a snatcher.
It is about overpowering the natural urge to expect,
With the beautiful gesture of giving!
The real fortune of life for me,
Is not the number of friends I make.
Neither it is the amount of wealth and reputation I garner,
Neither it is about the respect and understanding and support,
I get from others.
Rather it is about how close to nature I am.
It is about how transfixed I am at the Ethics, the Perfect, the Truth.
The truth that stands for responsibility, meaning, solidarity, objectivity,
Service, love, compassion, respect, creativity, honesty, active faith, aesthetics,
(some give them the name of God)
Beneath the transience of emotions, human rattling, and narcissist propensities.
Being steadfast in that Invisible, that central axis,
It is about being able to contribute meaningfully
To my little world studded with the precious gifts –
Family, friends, society, institutions, causes, humanity, fraternity, ethics, and ideals.
To me life is about knowing from where I have come,
The thousands of years of human civilizations,
Contemplating on the teachings of the ancients,
Observing how mankind has evolved,
The mystical way history has repeated itself,
The beautiful relevance of mythologies,
Since millennia, increasing in relevance,
With all their symbolism and profundity,
To the contemporary and the future.
Life for me is to stand in awe,
At the magnanimous spirit of being human,
Manifested by the greatest works of mankind,
From the pyramids of the Giza,
The ethereal veneration of the Stonehenge,
To the grandeur of the Coliseum,
To the marvels of the Pantheon and tower of Pisa!
Life for me is standing in ovation,
At the greatness of men in flesh and blood,
But with the spirit of the Gods!
Men like Homer, Pythagoras, Buddha, Socrates, Plato.
Men like Marcus Aurelius, Plotinus, and their guild.
Men like Tagore, Milton, Blake, Tolstoy, Thoreau, Shakespeare.
Men like Bhaskara, Copernicus, Archimedes, Newton.
Men like Bohr, Einstein, and Heisenberg.
Men like Subhas, Gandhi, Martin Luther, Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela.
Grateful I feel when I look back
At the rich legacy of human souls,
Who made a meaning out of their lives,
Enabled humanity to think in a way,
It was never able to otherwise.
They inspire me. They make me pause and think –
What I am upto?
What I am upto. I do not know.
I am not a visionary, nor a genius.
Neither am I a revolutionary, and an intellectual.
I have made a fool of myself, times many.
But, just know I one thing for sure.
Life for me is being the possibility of Love and Peace.
No matter what, No matter when.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
Was a question I was contemplating on.
Searching was I answer for none other, Just for my self,
Answer which works for me, and just for me.
You might laugh Or might find it irrelevant.
Might be that you call me a fool.
May be I am one.
But this is what I feel right,
Just for me, and my little self.
Life for me is working hard to earn my living.
With care and concentration carrying out my duties,
Enjoying and contemplating on simple things in my little life –
The job, the books, music, art, my poems,
The city life in public bus, my family and friends,
The characters of my poems, the open blue sky,
The changing seasons, the blossoming flowers.
All make me feel, part of one big family.
A family encompassing all flora and fauna!
A family containing all of humanity!
Where, I am at home,
At every moment, every day, with every person,
And every circumstance!
Life for me is giving understanding and compassion,
Even on the face of hatred and rudeness.
Being so, is not about being righteous and grand.
Rather it is about giving space, freedom and respect
To the other, who has a different point of view.
Being so, is more about exercising the choice out of “hatred for hatred” and “tit for tat”,
As it is a heavy burden to carry, and tough maths to tally,
That too in a transitory and short journey of life.
It is a decision more out of self-love,
To be free and happy. To love and care.
Life for me is actively creating the relatedness
With people, institutions, things and circumstances around.
A relatedness that is born from the womb of affection and compassion.
A relatedness that is born out of the desire to increase one’s awareness and mindfulness.
A relatedness which is more focused on productively and creatively
Bring out an aspect of beauty, over the debate of who was right.
Life for me is being relevant to others,
Either with a caring gesture, or a helping hand.
It is about being of some use,
In bringing happiness and beauty around.
You are not separate from me.
You create who I am, in your thoughts, in your judgments, in your biases.
You make me realize who I am, and who I am not.
You are my extended self.
For without you,
How would I ever have discovered what I stand for?
Life for me is not being moved by adversity,
Brought by my little self,
Giving into the crass basic instincts of
Judgments, hatred, anger and ego.
It is about being victorious over them,
Overpowering the darkness with the light of
Love, peace, understanding, respect, compassion and concern.
This light is sometimes not visible with the eyes.
But is visible only through heart.
It is about being present not to the absence of love.
But to the presence of barriers within my little self,
Hindering the radiance of love ushering in.
Yes. It is a choice – simple, but stern.
Not giving into what the eye sees, and the mind thinks.
But to let heart overpower all that is shallow,
With the embrace of positivism and love.
Yes. Positivism is the essence of the aesthetics of life.
It might appear to be an illusion to many.
But I remind myself,
An illusion is an illusion till it is discovered that it was not so.
And that discovery should be given a chance.
The chance gives space and respect to the other – a person or circumstance,
To be who they are, and what they stand for,
And allows creation of a world which is really diverse and mutually respectful.
For every such an instance, creates an opportunity to learn, to grow, to evolve.
Life for me is enjoying every moment of my life,
Lost in my own tune – a tune consciously created, every moment.
The unending symphony of
Goodness, service, contemplation, devotion, and ethics.
Consciously unheeding to the endless drone
Of hatred, generalization, meanness, fear, prejudices and self-importance.
It is going beyond what is obvious,
Consciously creating what is desired.
It is an active war,
Defeating the passiveness of cynicism to
The Vigor of bright and happy positivity!
Life for me is overcoming the desire to have more,
Trying to live with the least,
Being a giver instead of a snatcher.
It is about overpowering the natural urge to expect,
With the beautiful gesture of giving!
The real fortune of life for me,
Is not the number of friends I make.
Neither it is the amount of wealth and reputation I garner,
Neither it is about the respect and understanding and support,
I get from others.
Rather it is about how close to nature I am.
It is about how transfixed I am at the Ethics, the Perfect, the Truth.
The truth that stands for responsibility, meaning, solidarity, objectivity,
Service, love, compassion, respect, creativity, honesty, active faith, aesthetics,
(some give them the name of God)
Beneath the transience of emotions, human rattling, and narcissist propensities.
Being steadfast in that Invisible, that central axis,
It is about being able to contribute meaningfully
To my little world studded with the precious gifts –
Family, friends, society, institutions, causes, humanity, fraternity, ethics, and ideals.
To me life is about knowing from where I have come,
The thousands of years of human civilizations,
Contemplating on the teachings of the ancients,
Observing how mankind has evolved,
The mystical way history has repeated itself,
The beautiful relevance of mythologies,
Since millennia, increasing in relevance,
With all their symbolism and profundity,
To the contemporary and the future.
Life for me is to stand in awe,
At the magnanimous spirit of being human,
Manifested by the greatest works of mankind,
From the pyramids of the Giza,
The ethereal veneration of the Stonehenge,
To the grandeur of the Coliseum,
To the marvels of the Pantheon and tower of Pisa!
Life for me is standing in ovation,
At the greatness of men in flesh and blood,
But with the spirit of the Gods!
Men like Homer, Pythagoras, Buddha, Socrates, Plato.
Men like Marcus Aurelius, Plotinus, and their guild.
Men like Tagore, Milton, Blake, Tolstoy, Thoreau, Shakespeare.
Men like Bhaskara, Copernicus, Archimedes, Newton.
Men like Bohr, Einstein, and Heisenberg.
Men like Subhas, Gandhi, Martin Luther, Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela.
Grateful I feel when I look back
At the rich legacy of human souls,
Who made a meaning out of their lives,
Enabled humanity to think in a way,
It was never able to otherwise.
They inspire me. They make me pause and think –
What I am upto?
What I am upto. I do not know.
I am not a visionary, nor a genius.
Neither am I a revolutionary, and an intellectual.
I have made a fool of myself, times many.
But, just know I one thing for sure.
Life for me is being the possibility of Love and Peace.
No matter what, No matter when.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar
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