Sunday, December 23, 2012

Come back Everyone.

Come, lets sing aloud -

Krishna nee begane baro
Krishna nee begane baro
Darkness coming round
And everybody fighting with their brothers
Everybody wants control
Don't hesitate to kill one another

So come back as Jesus
Come back and save the world
That's all the future
Of every boy and girl
Come back as Rama
Forgive us for what we've done
Come back as Allah
Come back as anyone

Krishna nee begane baro
krishna nee begane baro

Religion is the reason
The world is breaking up into pieces
Colour of the people
Keeps us locked in hate please release us

So come down and help us
Save all the little ones
They need a teacher
And you are the only one
We can rely on
To build a better world
A world that's for children
A world that's for everyone

Krishna nee begane baro
Krishna nee begane baro

Time is the healer
Time moves on
Time don't wait for anyone
You tell you'll be back
But that will take some time
I'm waiting...
I'm waiting...
I'm waiting...

I'm waiting
Yea.... Yea...
Come back as Jesus
Come back and save the world
We need a teacher
You are the only one
Come back as Rama
Forgive us for what we've done
Come back as Allah
Come back as anyone

Krishna nee begane baro
Krishna nee begane baro

Come back and save the world
That's all the future
Of every boy and girl
Come back as Rama
Forgive us for what we've done

Come back as Allah
Come back for everyone

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

All you need is Love. Love is all you need.

All you need is love
Love is all you need.

An open mind in compassion,
Grounded in humility and
But free with the passion to know and grow.

A stance centered on the spirit of freedom,
On mutual respect and love.
Poised to learn from the human heritage,
And build on top of it -
A new tomorrow,
Carrying forward the legacy of human race.

It is not about being a rebel.
Neither it is about being fraternal.
It is about being in the grace,
Of who you are,
Standing in respect but not
Necessarily in agreement to the other.

It is not about who is right,
It is not about who is wrong.
Rather it is about,
What is more beautiful for you,
What is more natural for you.
What is the Truth.

This video was made by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady.

They are New York-based documentary filmmakers. Their forthcoming film “The Education of Mohammad Hussein,” which is on the short list for the Academy Award for short-subject documentary, is to be broadcast on HBO in 2013. Their previous Op-Doc was “Dismantling Detroit.”

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Coming to Andrea

The dawn was about to break,
Simoni woke up and looked to the far horizon,
The horizon which was silver lined
With the silhouettes of men and women,
From the mystical land of Andrea.

The twinkle of the stars were fading out,
Into the glow of the Sun.
The fresh light cascading from east,
Gradually was camouflaging the twinkling story of the night forgone.

It was a new morning,
And Simoni was about to reach the
Legendary land of Andrea.
The journey was long and arduous,
A journey of 101 nights,
Nights of storm, solitude, battles, and pains.
All alone, walking the solitary journey of abandonment.
Along the sand dunes and the meandering westerly wind.

The journey has ended or just begun,
Simoni did not know.
Just was that he aware,
At last with his weak and old eyes,
He could see the huge gate to the land of Andrea.

He was in search of someone,
Knew the sky, the stars and the Sun.
Was well aware the gushing ocean,
The meandering stream,
The restless fall.

Unheeded to all the inquisition,
Of the nature and its ways,
Simoni kept walking,
Unfazed and undaunted.

Had he to visit
The 7 castles,
And ask the 7 dames and 7 knights,
Looking for his love, his true love
The lady with the most beautiful eyes.

(To be continued)

Previous poems of Michel Simoni -

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Christmas Wish

Here is a wish for you this Christmas,
From my truest self I know.

That you may do what you really are,
With freedom, courage and love,
And that there is fire always kindled within you.
The fire that you already are.

May the music of your heart,
Come out before you close your eyes.
Before mingling into the nothingness,
May you reclaim who you are.

That you may be wise,
But more importantly kind.
That you may be successful,
But more importantly overwhelmed in love.

May you be prosperous,
And yet, not lose the bond,
With the rain, the moon, and the star.
And not forget to smile, and to say Hello.

That in the bustle of who is right,
And what is more reasonable and correct,
May you not lose your own true self,
No matter how unreasonable and incorrect you are.

May in the rat race of following the herd,
You be left out,
And re-kindle that basic instinct,
To follow your heart,
Taking the road less travelled. 

That you be the change maker,
Being the harbinger of beauty,
The best version of that original masterpiece,
That you already are.

May you endlessly
Always continue to Be,
Expressing that authentic being who you are,
Either with a smile, a hug, a kiss or a pat, 
Or may be with a poem, a song...or a tear.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Sky above, Earth below, Fire Within

What an opportunity it is with,
Sky above, Earth below, and Fire Within!

And glowing in that fire,
you see anything is possible

You see opportunity when others see impossibility
You take risks. You are focussed. 
You hustle, you are restless,
You  know that nothing is unrealistic

And glowing in that fire,
You feel overwhelming love!
You embrace your childlike wonder and curiosity
You take flying leaps into the unknown
You  contribute to something bigger than yourself

And glowing in that fire,
You create. You learn. You grow. You do. You be.
You believe it's never too late to start living a dream.

And glowing in that fire,
You reclaim your humanity 

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Essentials are Invisible - A Thought Experiment

Life is short. Senses are limited. Time is fleeting. Challenges are many. Distraction are innumerable. 
In this predicament of human life, it is essential to realize two things primarily - 
1. An awareness of what is essential and what is not, and 
2. The Essentials are invisible.

It certainly is of prime importance not to spend this precious life in non-essentials. But the dilemma is how to create that insight to spot the essential, and discard the non-essential. I think to be able to overcome this challenge, one has to deal with both the points above simultaneously. One leads to the other. I guess there would not be any prescription to follow to be aware of what is essential and not. But certain examples below might be able to put certain instances on the table. 

For example for a warrior, the actual fighting is non-essential. What is essential is the cause he is standing for. 
For an original painter, the canvas, or the brush is not non-essential. They are dispensable. He can switch to any better brush or medium. Rather what is essential is the idea he is trying to paint.
In a relationship, the personalities involved are non-essential. But what is essential is the invisible virtue of understanding, compassion, kindness, empathy that binds two personalities. Moment the fabric of these invisible essentials are broken, the relationship tears apart. Again the same personalities might enter into similar relationships with others. But then the fabric that is essential for any relationship remains the same. Personalities change - non-essentials are ever changing. But what is essential remains the same.
For a writer the medium he uses to write is non-essential. The language he uses is non-essential. But what is essential is that invisible archetype he is dealing with in his mind and heart. It is that experiment he is having in his mind, that commotion happening in his heart, leading him to write, resulting in the flow of a poem or a novel, is what is essential.

It is interesting to observe the amount of time and energy we squander on non-essentials. The endless pursuits to have more power, money, fame, friends, well wishers, kinships, etc that man engages in, appears non-essential to me. These aspects of daily life are just mere reflections of something invisible which is totally from a different plane. Rather than focusing on the source, we get distracted into the dissipated reflections of that. We spend time in the questing of having more and more the artifacts of something at source. That source emanates from our own being. It arises from our own understanding, our own heart and mind. I am not hinting a way to solitary exclusion. Certainly it might be a way for some. But it is not necessarily the most optimum way for all, atleast not for me, for sure. These dry artifacts are important for me. But along with having these dry artifact, the awareness that these are non-essential, and they link to something which is at core, which is invisible, is at heart of things.

Many great thinkers have spent most of their lives in figuring out a way to be centered into this invisible essential - the source. One effective way the ancient civilizations invented for themselves, to solve this existential problem, might have been the creation of the idea of God, and developing the capacity of man to concentrate on that Ideal. What might be more apt than to have a concrete projection of an Archetype in form of a personal God-head,  or an abstract idea. At least there is a point in which a person can refer to when she wants to relate to those essentials.

But, I think, this whole creative experiment defeats itself, when this idea of God is treated in exclusion to daily living. When God is treated a separate entity from one's own self, and one's own actions, and the innumerable interaction one has with others, in one's daily life. When God limits Himself to that small corner in one's living room, or a building in exclusion, one calls a temple, He fizzles out to the domain of non-essential. The whole purpose and the toil of all the ancient masters get defeated. I think that one-pointed focus on the essential, should be maintained in one's daily activities, and voluntarily one has to exclude from her awareness the non-essentials.

I try to practice it at my work, and personal life. Yes, I fail multiple times. But, again I try to stand up, shirk off the dust, and start walking again on the path. I think the key is - Finding out the essential, and one pointed concentration on the essential. At work, the issue at hand, the problem being faced is essential, and anything and everything coming our way piggybacking the issue are non-essentials. 

Even when dealing with work and life, work becomes non-essential, and life is what is essential. To clarify, I have experienced people who kill life in name of work. By killing life I mean, for them there is no room for compassion, kindness, empathy, love, joy, respect, loyalty, or humanity, when it comes to work. Humans become just a means, a resource, a robot to churn out a result. If the result does not meet a pre-determined expectation, the doer is considered worthless. The dignity of a person is attached to how much capital is created by the person, or how much productivity gain is produced by the person, and how much the person has been able to make a corporation's cult which is given fancy names as "Operating Systems" or "Standard Operating Procedures".  It is interesting to see that many times,  we are incapable to differentiating a man from his role, or artifact he produces out of an action he is forced to do at his job. 

The problem remains the same. It is about being distracted with the non-essential, and losing the sight of the essential.

To simplify, I carry with myself a logo to remind me every moment of the essential. For me the essential is - Love. It is fraternity, compassion, understanding, respect, objectivity, friendship, individuality, and respecting that sacred space for the self, and the other. 

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Space

Walking to Andrea,
In that solitary walk,
Across the desert,
In the scorching heat
Thirsty Simony,
Could see no life around.

Times were tough,
Abandoned was he,
Walked uphill across the sand dunes,
Simoni was all alone.

With no caring shade,
With no drop of quenching water,
With no shoulder to rest.
Was he all alone,
Walking up to Andrea.

With every stride ahead,
There were more unknown,
There were more thorns and uphills.
There was more solitude,
There were more challenges.

Tired was he,
Defeated and wronged was he.
But his spirit was young,
Undaunted and brimming full
With sacredness and Love.

For he had created a Space.
A Space around him.
That guarded his soul,
Away from all that is evil,
Away from all that is dark.
Away from all that is in-humane.

The Space was a canvas for his brush,
It was the marble for his chisel,
It was that empty arena,
Where he could compose his own note.

In that Space,
Kept Simoni creating,
The symphony of Love, Faith, and Hope.
With the power of that Symphony,
Kept he walking, on and on.

For all, what appeared
were the wrinkled skin,
the gray hair, the white beard,
The parched feet.

But deep inside
Was a brimming fountain of life,
Of understanding, Of compassion, Of love.
Deep inside was the ever youthful self,
Guarded by his Space,
Working to see God,
With every passing moment in his life,
Either through his sculptures,
Or his paintings, or his songs.

Centered was Simoni on the Ideal,
On the Archetype, on the Beauty.

Kept he on, his journey to Andrea.
He did not know what would he find
Upon reaching Andrea.
But he knew for sure.
It was the journey, and not the destination,.
Giving him the opportunity to see
His Truth, His God, His Love.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

The Power of Love

When Rumi had sang
On the  power of love,
In myriad songs of his,
I had a taste of it intellectually.
But little did I know
What that power really was.

When I had read of the big bang,
I had an appreciation of
That incredible power
Behind the big bang.
But little did I know
How that power really feels.

When I was told
About the power of worship.
I had an understanding of the holy,
And was aware that such grandeur strength
Does exists somewhere.
But little did I know
How that power really uplifts.

I had read about
The healing touch of Jesus.
But never could relate
To the ecstasy of the blind
Who got the vision from his touch.

But O dear magical Presence,
That power is within me.
The power of your love,
The power that can raise a dead man
The power that can turn water to wine
The power that can turn an acorn to the high oak.

Thank you
For bestowing in me
The power of thou love.
It feels like unlimited,
Always with power,
Always like a Man.
Steadfast and True
Standing the storm of life
Unfazed, and undaunted.

Thank you for showing me
The glimpse of what it is
To be a Man
To be a Knight
To be a Warrior.
Yes, it all is in the
Power of your love.
My Lord.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Monday, October 8, 2012

Upending the cost Structure. Do you have any input?

Capitalism requires someone to create a commodity, and someone to buy it. The hidden link that connects the whole drama is money. There is a cost structure on which the empire of capitalism is built on. The aim of a capitalistic endeavor is to generate more capital. It is good to create more capital. It drives the economy. The issue is the cost structure on which the framework is built on.
This efficiently bars away people who are in dire need of a product or service but could not afford to buy it. World is today rocking and rolling intoxicated with the opium of capitalism. It has worked for decades. But that does not mean it will keep working for centuries to come. Signs have started showing up of innovative business models outside of the precincts of capitalism.
The most interesting experiment is that of the Google. I want to discuss in this article a very popular experimentation of Google - The Google Maps. Till a decade back, maps were all copyrighted, and the market was monopolized by companies like Garmin making GPS devices helping people to navigate. Garmin charges about $100 to download new maps to its device. One device costs about $200-$500. Sometimes even more.
Now compare all this with the Google Maps. And the latest feature in Google Maps to download any portion of the maps to your device, and use them offline. So, today you have a free GPS device which is way much more advanced than any Garmin device. And all these services are free. You can download the Google Map in your phone (of course if it is not running in the latest IOS) or your any other hand held device.
The most interesting thing is you can notice that cost of the service is no more the indicator of the quality of the service or the product. The free google map is any time better than the expensive maps you download from Garmin. So, here is something that is free and better. In the language of economics, you have something whose "value" is expressed independent of its "exchange value". And that the product or the service could be really sustained without an exchange value, you see.
Can such experiment be done in education? Can we upend the cost structure inherent in providing quality education? Can a free education provided to millions be if not better, as good as that provided by the Harvards and the Stanfords?
A question, many social entrepreneurs are trying to find an answer. Do you have any input?

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar 

Active Compassion

Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines the word compassion as - "Sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it."
All the great masters starting from the Axial Age to the contemporary world have stressed on the importance to be compassionate. But, time and again, I find it so hard to be compassionate. On the whole I am fairly a forgiving and kind person. But compassion is of a different genre all together. I discovered that compassion is not just tolerance, kindness and forgiveness. Rather it is a sympathetic consciousness of others' distress. And it does not end just at that. It is also complemented with the desire to alleviate it.
Now, in my daily life, I see myself most of the time concentrated with the daily chores concerning myself and my family. It might be work at office, or responsibilities at home. Even in the office or at home, mind always tends to think only about its own point of view. When I am distressed at work, or my personal life, what only appears to me are the faults of others, and my own tragic predicament. Mind never by itself goes to think about the distress of the others that I might be causing unknowingly. It always wants to simplify the the happenings like a child, segregating people, circumstances, etc as good or bad; as either the fairy godmother or the daemon.
I found that it is a very naive way to look at life, for myself. Mind, I have seen is always in an inertia. It tends to do thing good what it is used to. It is used to doing what it practices daily. So, if the mind is made to practice peace and compassion, it automatically does nothing both peace and compassion. If the mind is engaged into judging, hatred, violence, etc, it does nothing but the same automatically.
It is not just practice makes a man perfect. But rather it is practice what sets the mind to an inertia - an automatic avalanche of thoughts and imagery consistent to what is practiced.
I have seen this pretty consistent to my own personality. If I am in the mood of writing romantic poetry, I keep writing beautiful poems and imagery months after months. The mood overflows in my way of being, my thoughts, my preferences etc. Later, after an year, when I am deep into say Marx's Das Capital, I tend to go deep into every economic and social transaction, and try to link that with the means of production and labor. My writings reflect the same mood. And interestingly when I read those old romantic poems, I feel silly. If I am deep into Plato, I always relate to Ethics and what is that way to bring that invisible archetype to the living world. The point I am trying to make here, is that brain continues an inertia. We tend to do, act, behave with what we are actively engaged with.
The same beautifully applies to Compassion too. It is not just knowing the word, and being aware of the way of being of compassion. But rather, I try to actively practice compassion, every moment of my life. In the food I eat, in the dress I wear, in my communication, behavior, and dealings with people around me both at home and at work. Yes, I fail many times. Anger, impatience, ego, or many such psychological barriers come in the way, and blinds me from understanding the other person. But then, I try it over again. More I practice, I do a better job the next time. It feels good when I see myself improving.
There is so much antagonism prevailing in daily life, I feel the most important thing that I need to keep in mind is being compassionate, actively; not only towards others, but also towards myself.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Monday, September 24, 2012

How about being who I am

Free from the burden of
Being good in the other's eyes,
Carrying the uneasiness
Of trying to be someone else,
How about being who I am.

Letting go that urge
To copy the other,
To see the world in the eyes of the other,
To believe on a borrowed ideology,
To create an art,
with a copied idea.
How about being who I am.

Forgoing the tiredness
Of pleasing all,
That tireless striving,
To walk in the roads,
Marked by the other,
How about being who I am.

Choosing my own path,
Swimming my own stream,
Fighting my own war,
Dancing in my own tune,
How about being who I am.

Lovely is that point of being
In awareness of who I am,
In understanding what I stand for,
In knowing my own self,
And the world.
How about doing that
What makes me feel proud,
What makes me feel relevant,
What makes me feel  I.

Reclaiming that Identity,
Here I walk the unknown path in solitude,
In this pilgrimage of life,
To my own shrine,
Being who I am.
Copyright Reserved - Samrat Kar.

Friday, September 21, 2012

When what matter is..

When what matters is
Just being able to do something beautiful.
Just being of some help to someone.
Just being able to be tired doing work for which one is proud of.
Just being able to inspire.
Just being able to offer every toil,
every drop of sweat,
Every moment of hard work,
As an offering to the invisible,
As an offering - a gift.
When what matter is
Just in the space of giving.
Not being touched by the desire or need.
Rather just about being
In a place of a gesture in service,
In whatever is done,
Whatever is thought,
Whatever is dreamt.
When what matters is
Just being able to grow, learn and know.
Being closer to the truth,
Being in love,
With one and all.
When what matters is
Being able to be in love and respect
To one and all.
When what matters is
Just about being able to discover
One's  own shortcomings, and
inability to know someone, and learn form the other,
Being in kindness and brotherhood with the other.
When what matters is just Fraternity.
With one and all.
Life is real, Life is earnest.
It is about being awake.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Beautiful Mind

“Lovely has been the journey
All these years,
Along with you – my beautiful mind”,
Mused Simoni .
Walking on the long road to Andrea,
So spake Michel Simoni –
An ode to his beautiful mind.

Never have you left my side,
In thick and thin,
In scorching sun and pouring rain!

Like a true friend,
You lifted me from a just a breathing bag,
To a creative man,
Being able to try out the ordeal,
To know my own self,
To be fully, who I am!

In the journey to know the truth,
Both within and out,
Like a guardian angel,

You had shown me the light.
Clairvoyant to what is invisible,
Was not my cup of tea.
But then you were there

Always being a link
Between the self,
And the masters and their wisdom,
Enabling me to have the perspective,
Clear and True!

My beloved,
Whom thieves can’t steal,
Battles can’t claim,
Time can’t rust,
Death can’t snatch!
You are in me, and I in you!

Grateful I am to the Light,
Straight from some ancient land,
Mysterious, Sacred and Quiet,
Sacramenting my being,
With an understanding deeper!

The marble, the statue
The chisel and the studio,
The accolades, the glitter,
The charm and shine,
Passions and pain,
All were just dead remnant
Of the real essence,
The Spirit of creation
Of my beloved – my mind!
The quiet throb of life in potential!

Continue I to swim
The ocean of being alive,
Flying the sky of thriving in life,
Walking the uphill of being human,
Through you,
Seeing myself and the world,
In light never as beautiful,
In love never experiences as such!

You are eternal,
Throughout creation.
Having been the idea from the ancient masters,
To me today,
You shall continue to thrive,
In all your youthful bountiness,
And sensual warmth,
In millions of hearts,
Through eons after,
When I am no more!

O great eternal Grace!
My mind – my beloved!
I dedicate my being at your feet!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Marriage and Mythologies

Campbell: Read myths. They teach you that you can turn inward, and you begin to get the message of the symbols. Myth helps you to put your mind in touch with this experience of being alive. It tells you what the experience is. Marriage, for example. What is marriage? The myth tells you what it is. It's the reunion of the separated duad. Originally you were one. You are now two in the world, but recognition of the spiritual identity is what marriage is. It's different from a love affair. It has nothing to do with that. It's another mythological plane of experience. When people get married because they think it is a long time love affair, they will be divorced very soon, because all love affairs end in disappointment. But marriage is recognition of a spiritual is a mystery.

Moyers: If marriage is this reunion of the self with the self, with the male and female grounding of ourselves, why is it that marriage is so precarious in our modern society?

Campbell: Because it is not regarded as a marriage. I would say that if the marriage is not a first priority in your life, you are not married. The marriage means that two that are one, the two become one flesh. If the marriage lasts long enough, and if you are acquiescing constantly to it instead of to individual personal whim, you come to realize that that is true - the two really are one. One not only biologically, but spiritually. Primarily spiritually. The biological is the distraction which may lead you to the wrong identification.

Moyers: Then the necessary function of marriage, perpetuating ourselves in children, is not the primary one.

Campbell: No, that is really just the elementary aspect of marriage. There are two completely different stages of marriage. First is the youthful marriage following the wonderful impulse that nature has given us in the interplay of the sexes biologically inorder to produce children. The second stage is more spiritual.
Marriage is a relationship. When you make the sacrifice in marriage, you are sacrificing not to each other but to unity in a relationship. A single self that is formed by a spiritual union between you and your partner. Marriage is not a simple love affair, it is an ordeal, and the ordeal is the sacrifice of ego to a relationship in which two have become one.

Moyers: So marriage is utterly incompatible with the idea of doing one's own thing.

Campbell: It is not simply ones own thing, you see. It is, in a sense, doing one's own thing, but the one is not just you, it is the two together as one. And that's a purely mythological image signifying the sacrifice of the visible entity for a transcendent good. This is something that becomes beautifully realized in marriage, which I call the alchemical stage, of the two experiencing that they are one - spiritually, mythologically.

In the above excerpt from the book, "The Power of Myth", Campbell beautifully puts forward Archetype of marriage. Today, in India it takes 4 days to get married. There are several rituals, Vedic oaths taken infront of Fire and Spirits, and Blessings bestowed from elders, both from the physical world, and the world of the dead. Similar mythic rituals ordain this special even in one's life in various ancient civilizations. Unfortunately, in most of the cases, the mystic invisible holiness of the occasion has been lost or defiled. This disappearance of the mythical essence of marriage is even more visible in the modern developed societies. Marriage seldom transcends beyond a means of achieving personal ends, individually. Here Campbell stresses on the concept of true union, where individuals are no more different, but are the same. It is important to recognize that the state is not about graduating from a "I" to a "We". Rather it is about embracing the other in I. That is important. Only then, each individual can really related to the other, and be in harmony. It is only then, both the individual sees a new world - which they were unable to see when there were separate. So truly expressed by Campbell, marriage is not just an institution for genetic proliferation, and social order. Rather it is a sanctification of a person to a different order - an order in which they see things differently, they understand the world differently. 
Marriage is an opportunity to transcend one's individual ego. It is about going out of one's own needs and whims, and relating to the other. Not only it is about relating to the other, but also appreciating the other as the self. This philosophical exercise to achieve oneness is the starting step to get an Idea what is God. God is not an entity out there, as most of the ancient traditions have repeatedly proclaimed. Rather God is one's own self, from a different vantage point. It is about appreciating unity with one's life, circumstance, people around, challenges, and also God at the same time.
Marriage is about gaining a perspective. It is about coming closer to the Truth.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Perfection is inhuman - An excerpt from "The Power of Myth"

[This is an excerpt from the book - The Power of Myth, by Joseph Campbell. It is a discussion between Campbell and Bill Moyers]

Moyers: Why myth? Why should we care about myths? What do they have to do with my life?

Campbell: My first response would be, "Go on, live your life, it is good life - you don't need mythology." I don't believe in being being interested in a subject just because it is said to be important. I believe in being caught by it somehow or other. But you may find that, with proper introduction, mythology will catch you. 
One of our problems today is that we are not well acquainted with the literature of the spirit. We are interested in the news of the day and the problems of the hour. No more our attention goes to the inner life and to the magnificent human heritage we have in our great tradition - Plato, Confucius, the Buddha, Goethe and others who speak of eternal values that have to do with the centering of our lives. When you get to be older, and the concerns of the day have all been attended to, and you turn to the inner life - well, if you dont know where it is or what it is, you will be sorry.
Greek and Latin and biblical literature used to be part of everyone's education. Now, when these were dropped, a whole tradition of Occidental mythological information was lost. It used to be that these stories were in the minds of people. When the story is in your mind, then you see its relevance to something happening in your own life. It gives you perspective on what is happening to you. These bits of information from ancient times, which have to do with teh themes that have supported human life, built civilizations, an informed religions over the millennia, have to do with deep inner problems, inner mysteries, inner thresholds of passage, and if you dont know what the guide signs are along the way, you have t work it out yourself. But once this subject catches you, there is such a feeling, from one or another of these traditions, of information of a deep, rich, life vivifying sort that you dont want to give it up.

Moyers: So we tell stories to try to come to terms with the world, to harmonize our lives with reality?

Campbell: I think so, yes. Novels - great novels - can be wonderfully instructive. In my twenties and thirties and even into my forties, James Joyce and Thomas Mann were my teachers. I read everything they wrote. Both were writing in terms of what might be called the mythological traditions. Take, for example, the story of Tonio, in Thomas Mann's Tonio Kroger. Tonio's father was a substantial businessman, a major citizen in his hometown. Little Tonio, however, had an artistic temperament, so he moved to Munich and joined a group of literary people who felt themselves above the mere money earners and family men. 
So here is Tonio between two poles: his father, who was a good father, responsible and all of that, but who never did the one he wanted to in all his life - and, on teh other hand, the one who leaves his hometown and becomes a critic of that kind of life. But Tonio found that he really loved these hometown people. ANd although he thought himself a little superior in an intellectual way to them and could describe them with cutting words, his heart was nevertheless with them.
But when he left to live with the bohemians, he found that they were so disdainful of life that he couldn't stay with them either. So he left them and wrote a letter back to someone in the group, saying, "I admire those cold, proud beings who adventure upon the paths of great and daemonic beauty and despise mankind; but I do not envy them. For if anything is capable of making a poet of a literary man, it is my hometown love of the human, the living and ordinary. All warmth derives from this love, all kindness and all humor. Indeed to me it even seems that this must be that love of which it is written that one may 'speak of the tongues of men and of angels', yet, lacking love, be 'as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.'"
And then he says, "The writer must be true to truth." And that is a killer, because the only way you can describe a human being truly is describing his imperfections. The perfect being is uninteresting - the Buddha who leaves the world, you know. It is the imperfections of life that are lovable. And when the writer sends a dart of the true world, it hurts. But it goes with love. That is what Mann called "erotic irony", the love for that which you are killing with your cruel, analytical word.

Moyers: I cherish that image: my hometown love, the feeling you get for that place, no matter how long you have been away or even if you never return. That was where you first discovered people. But why do you say you love people for their imperfections?

Campbell: Aren't children lovable because they are falling down all the time and have little bodies with heads too big? And these funny little dogs that people have - they are lovable because they are so imperfect.

Moyers: Perfection would be a bore, wouldn't it?

Campbell: It would have to be. It would be inhuman. That is why some people have a very hard time loving God, because there is no imperfection there. You can be in awe, but that would not be real love. It is the Christ on the cross, that becomes lovable. 

People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're all seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. That's what it is all finally about, and that is what these clues help us to find within ourselves. 
It is about experience of life. The mind has to do with meaning. What's meaning of a flower? What is the meaning of the universe? What's the meaning of a flea? It's just there. That's it. And your own meaning is that you're there. We're so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget that the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it's all about.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Beyond Words

Not only it is that
Essentials are invisible.
But also what is most precious,
Is oft indescribable!
Words appear to be the tool
Of the mediocre world,
Handicapped to contain the infinitude
Of that pristine Love!

It was not just the word,
But the whole of nature,
In its manifest form,
Appeared incapable to,
Express those army of
The Profound Throbs
In the heart of Simoni!

All the nuances of idioms,
The Metaphors and Similes,
All look pale in-front of that
Un-uttered throbbing high,
The hopeless melancholy of solitude,
The lightness of heart at those special times,
And the heaviness of lump
Deep in the throat,
On those painful moments!

Was it the nervousness of an anxiety,
Or a hopelessness of death,
Or a hope of a potential new birth?
Was it the heaviness of a thud,
Or the lightness of a flight?
Simoni knew not.

Beyond Words,
Is present that beautiful world,
The world of Love,
Transmuting a human weakling,
To a heavenly tune!
A world which knows no separation,
No antagonism, no fear and hatred.
Only there lies just one thing –
Eternal and sold,
Standing tall with glory and grace,
The fire of Love,
Burning all the darkness of alienation!

Be it Gods in human tales,
Or the heavenly angel,
Or the roaming deer in the wilderness,
 Or the indifferent rose,
All seemed to Simoni,
Knit together with
The tapestry of the golden thread –
The thread of love.

The thread is invisible, and in-describable.
The thread is beyond all that is material,
It is beyond any need,
Beyond any in-completion,
Beyond any short-comings,
Beyond any human misgivings.
Rather the thread is the invisible link,
The strong pull,
The strong connection,
Of man with the Divine – the hidden Archetype!

Simoni wanted to sing out loud
Expressing his heart,
With heavens as the witnesses,
Of his Love – of his Soul – of his ardor!

But more he tried, more he failed.
With every effort
 Of creating a syllable,
Of creating a note,
What resulted was just a silence,
A silence more silent than the
Darkest new moon night
Amidst the cold desert!

For realized Simoni,
His Love was from the other world,
A world higher than the heavens,
A world of beings nobler than the Gods,
A space which is ever fresh,
With the sweet mist of
Fraternal compassion,
And passionate belongingness!

Simoni knew that world very real, very alive,
Which was the only truth!
For Love reigned there, and nothing else!
Every dawn heralded a new beginning,
Every dusk declared a completion of a new creation,
All impeccably painted with the
Master’s stroke of Love!

That ecstasy of being in love,
The novelty of the hidden pain,
Was not meant to be expressed
Through the imperfect world
Of impotent expressions.
For all the combinations of the worldly letters,
Were incapable to even relate
To Simioni’s love –
For it was not of this world,
But was from the world of the immortals,
From the world above the seven heavens!
But still very true, very alive,
Right Now, Right Here!
Just the need was an eye to discover it,
The eye of the Soul!

His love was not about having and possessing.
His love was not about clinging and clasping.
Rather it was built in the foundation,
Strong and un-alterable one,
Of respect, space, freedom, objectivity,
Compassion and service!

The point was not to make
The beloved know
The pain of the bleeding dusk,
The confusion of the roaring wave,
The purity of the lotus serenity,
The surrender of the floating log!

Rather it was to climb up the stairs of Evolution,
Through the effort of pain, perseverance, patience and wisdom,
Tempered by the power of faith,
In the tempo of Love,
To really invite that infinite One,
Into Simoni’s own heart!
It was to feel the Supreme’s closeness,
Passing through his body,
His hand, his feet, his bosom,
Being one in flow with his mind, his soul, his heart,
Simoni could feel being part of the One!

Tuned with the divine Rhythm,
Simoni’s heart overflowed with love,
With understanding and solidarity,
With the cobbler to the king.
It was through the blessings of the One,
Could Simoni for the first time see the Truth!
The Truth of the hidden connection,
The impregnated same one Love,
In one and all!
For then Simoni realized,
It is not about that isolated special one
In flesh and blood,
Rather it is finding the One Essence,
Beautifying all in ways different,
But essentially the same!

It is not the love for that separate self,
Rather the love was for the Whole,
The One in All,
The Supreme, the Absolute, the Unity.

Now, Simoni did realize,
Why were words inadequate,
And impotent to express his Love
In its entirety, in its purity.

For his Love was from the world higher,
Where words did not count.
But what essential,
Was just a pure heart,
And true soul, and an honorable Love.

And the truth was that,
The higher world,
Was very much present,
Right Now, Right Here.
It just needed an eye to see -
The grandeur of the invisible!
And an ear to hear,
The song of silence!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Vande Mataram!

File:Vande mataram stamp.jpg
Vande Mataram - The National Song of India, was taken from Part 1, Chapter 10, of the Bangla novel - Anandamath, written by Bankim Chandra Chatterji in 1882. The poem is a hymn to Goddess Durga, identified as the national personification of India. It played a vital role in the Indian independence movement, first sung in a political context by Rabindranath Tagore at the 1896 session of the Indian National Congress.
In 1950 (after India's independence), the song's first two verses were given the official status of the "national song" of the Republic of India, distinct from the national anthem of India, Jana Gana Mana. 

Bengali script NLK transliteration
বন্দে মাতরম্ ৷
সুজলাং সুফলাং
মাতরম্ !
বন্দে মাতরম্ ৷

সুখদাং বরদাং
মাতরম্ ৷৷
বন্দে মাতরম্ ৷

vande mātaram
sujalāṃ suphalāṃ
śasya śyāmalāṃ
vande mātaram

śubhra jyotsnā
pulakita yāminīm
phulla kusumita
sumadhura bhāṣiṇīm
sukhadāṃ varadāṃ mātaram
vande mātaram
Here is the translation in prose of the above two stanzas rendered by Sri Aurobindo Ghose. This has also been adopted by the Government of India's national portal. The original Vande Mataram consists of six stanzas and the translation in prose for the complete poem by Shri Aurobindo appeared in Karmayogin, 20 November 1909.

    I show gratitude to thee, Mother,
    richly-watered, richly-fruited,
    cool with the winds of the south,
    dark with the crops of the harvests,
    The Mother!

    Her nights rejoicing in the glory of the moonlight,
    her lands clothed beautifully with her trees in flowering bloom,
    sweet of laughter, sweet of speech,
    The Mother, giver of boons, giver of bliss.

Apart from the above prose translation, Sri Aurobindo also translated Vande Mataram into a verse form known as Mother, I Bow to Thee. Sri Aurobindo commented thus on his English translation of the poem:
“ It is difficult to translate the National Song of India into verse in another language owing to its unique union of sweetness, simple directness and high poetic force.”

This ancient land today again rejoices in her glory of the moonlight, as I write this article. Her lands are as is clothed beautifully with her trees in flowering bloom since eternity. Sweetness of laughter and sweetness in speech, The Mother - India - Bharat Mata - is giver of boons and giver of bliss to one and all.
She has always been the true mother - always busy giving with full bounty. Mother has given to the world sacred creations as that of Vedas, Upanishads, The Bhagavat Geeta, The Mahabharata, The Ramayana, and other thousands of enlightening ideas, which have in various languages, various forms, various ways, rituals and chores, beliefs and culture, redeemed humanity. 

Today I celebrate the independence day of The Mother, not with pride, but with utmost gratitude. I bow before thee O Mother, in the words of Bankim, I say - "Vande Mataram" - "Hail Mother!". I love you Mother, for your simplicity, for your hidden mysteries, for your sweetness of speech, for your open heart! I know Mother, you are not the richest one. I know Mother, you are not the most powerful. I know Mother, you fight with innumerable basic problems dealing with your existence every day. But we are one family - not only the ones born on this sacred land, but also men from all the world, all the regions, all creed, caste and nationality. For you have taught us Mother, there is just One; differentiations are just an illusion. What is truth is just Love; just fraternity; just brotherhood.

Today I celebrate not as an Indian, but as a man standing for Human Values, and a sacred future for humanity, worshiping the Archetype of the Mother India, for her venerated suchness, her mysteries, her sacredness, her virtues, her godliness! This beautiful Archetype is present in every cell of existence, every nook and corner, every stream, mountain, ocean and skies. It depends on the individual to know the essential, see the invisible, be a worth of belonging to that pristine and pure Mother!

Happy Independence Day to all!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Journey on the raft

The  Journey on the raft
Playing with the tumultuous waves,
Being winnowed by the gushing wind,
Surrounded by the endless ocean,
So wide, you can’t get around it,
So deep, you can’t get under it,
Simoni plays the tune of life,
On the harp of his ores!

Some call it life,
Some call it coincidence,
Some call it a meaningless charade.
What it is in real, Simoni does not know.
And feels it futile to even attempt to know.
For time is short, and the art is long!

The art of being alive,
Meditating on each moment,
Going deep into the suchness of each second,
Keenly listening to each breath,
Feeling each throb of the heart,
Carried on the boat of the breath,
Across the limitless and unpredictable ocean!

He does not know where he is headed to,
He does not know when the journey shall end,
All that he knows is he has to keep rowing,
He has to know – All from beginning,
Back to school, again over again,
Since thousands of yester births,
To thousands in future!

In the passion to really know,
To really be, to observe and be aware
Of the stillness beyond the apparent entropy.
To discover the invisible thread
Connecting the dots of the countless
Turns, swirls, ebbs and flow.

Some say it is all preordained.
Some say it is just an indifferent nature.
Some say it is the causation of your actions.
Some say it is the Big Father in white beard,
Up in the sky controlling all.

Simoni has come out all alone,
In the midst of the storm,
With his bosom exposed to the lightning,
His sinews hardened with the fighting the waves,
Every moment through his art.
He is to discover the suchness of the ocean,
By his own heart and soul.
He is out to create his own poem,
With his own understanding of the ocean.

Going along finds he,
Glittering islands,
Colorful mermaids,
Bountiful ships.
All playing beautiful tunes,
Frolics, dances, activities all around.
All vie for his attention.
All want him to come to rest,
In the ease of the slumber of their fraternity
Of determinate answers,
To all the existential questions.
Through their borrowed ideologies and beliefs!

Simoni keeps rowing,
Going deep within,
Acknowledging his amazement,
At the flowering of events all around,
Shaping his destiny,
All coordinating with each other,
His efforts and actions,
The invisible mystery,
All working hand in hand,
Creating this wonderful tapestry of his existence!

He wants to see the mystery
In his own eyes,
Feel it with his own hands,
Reflect upon it with his own find,
Love it with his own heart.

He keeps rowing,
Undaunted by the tribulations,
The failures and pain.
He does not know where he is heading,
Nor he knows from where he comes.
He just knows one thing,
To chip away the non-essentials,
Carving this sculpture of his life,
Expressing only the truth!

It is the truth what he has to find out,
By his own, with his mind, heart and soul,
Guided by the masters of posterity,
And the Elders of his time.
He knows he is another link
In the invisible string of life,
Extending from the eternity,
Heading to the eternity.
He knows his sculpture of truth,
Is not for himself.
Rather it is for the links coming tomorrow,
The links who carve their own sculpture,
Better and more beautiful than ever.

Simoni knows he has to just act,
With all devotion, humility, and finesse!
He knows all his toils, pains, and strivings,
Are his offerings to that Source,
The Source of all the Mystery!

He gets the glimpse of that unknowable Mystery,
Sometimes as an incredible coincidence,
Sometimes as a gasping beauty,
Sometimes as a venerated intuition,
Sometimes as just a simple purity of stillness.

He knows the Mystery is unfathomable.
He knows his life is just a wavelet,
Amidst the roaring giant waves,
In the shore less ocean all around.

He keeps rowing,
Meditating towards chipping away,
Illusions one after another,
With the chisel of his mind, heart and soul,
Sharpened with intuition, intelligence and grace.
He keeps on with is work,
Still, concentrated, and un-wavered.
No storm can move him out,
From his deep meditation.

Amongst all these actions,
All these struggles,
He is mystically at peace.
For him all flow in a divine harmony!
As the orchestra in resonance,
As the nature!

Doing the yoga of his Karma,
Not enchanted with the outcome,
He keeps on with his work,
One-sighted, unmoved, and still.
Rowing his boat,
Knowing the mystery,
One level after another!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Case of God

The only truth is God. The only mission of everyday life is to be one with God, in doing one's daily work. It is a lost game to give attention on to people, institution, and the ways of the world. This is because all the ways of the world are ever changing. They are mere reflections of God. This does not mean that a person necessarily has to close himself off from the world. He can. That way he will be able to see God, if it is as per his temperament. Many masters have been able to do exactly the same. But if it worked out for say Ramanna Maharishi, it did not work the same way for Tagore, for example. Tagore had to play with his words and poetic expression to see God, and be one with Him.

The point is a man has to search God based on his temperament. He just cannot follow others. He is unique and so his path. If he is a go getter, he has to see God in his pursuits, and try to find God in his errands. A person who is a scholar, has to find God in his studies and research. There is only one pole star. Man can operate based on his own temperament, character, and the limitations imposed by the society he lives in. Each can find God in his own path. The point is man has to be one sighted fixed on to God and nothing else.

We spend our days. We meet people, interact with them. We do multiple actions. We plan our work. We execute them. We indulge. We sacrifice. There are millions of the work we enter from morning to evening, from birth to death. In doing each of these activities, it is important not to let the countless differentiation in the gross features in the realm of form, impregnate into one's self feeding just his emotional, physical and mental needs. Allowing this rainbow of expectations, worldly needs, and the varied colorful shades of myriad colors of the manifested world, as specified in the Gita as Kaam, Krodh, Raag, Dwesh, one simple beats around the bush. It is just being enchanted by the mirage. It is not that they are wrong and one has to guard oneself from them. It is not about repressing them or suppressing them. The point is about using them as gateway to reach the invisible Archetype which is the only truth. It is not a mystical abstraction. Rather it is hard core truth. We all know we will die. We all know we will lose all those whom we love. We all know our possessions will rust, break and disappear. We all know our body will be engulfed in weakness, wear-tear and diseases. We all know people change their opinions. We all know it is an impossibility for any one to really know the other from core. One just relates to the other from a mere fuzziness of what his own mind perceives about the other, which is neurologically, psychological and sociologically entire different from the other. We all know, eventually all are alone in this path of life. But, still we tend to expend so much time and energy in the pursuits of the worldly things. One has to be aware of being connected to the higher realm through the nature of things around.

To explain in the most concrete level, it is something like this. When one buys a good book, he does not get enchanted with its cover, binding, fonts, quality of page, the fragrance of the papers, etc. Yes, certainly these have the first impact on the reader. But as one really start reading the book, and drinking the wisdom encoded in the words of the book, one starts relating to a world which is invisible and inspiring. What was non-essential was all visible - the manifest beauty of the book's appearance and make. What was really essential - the wisdom in the mind of the author was always invisible. It was upto the efforts of the reader to really do his job to really understand, apply and appreciate the wisdom. That is an active participation in the part of the reader to be able to really "see" the book.

Today those great men in flesh and blood are no more. Men of the stature of Buddha, Jeremiah, Jesus, Moses, Einstein, Gandhi, Tagore, etc are no more. But their  thoughts, their ideals their inspirational work still remains and will continue to do so, helping humanity to be better and realize its full potential till eternity. It is the devoted activity these men entered into to discover the truth about themselves and the nature, which blossomed those perennial flowers of wisdom.

So, it is the Karma - the activity, qualified with the intention and effort to know the truth, is what is important. It is not about what one gets out of the activity, in the domain of form. Because whatever you get in the domain of the form is just a reflection of a hidden truth. For example, as I am writing this article, as I look outside the window infront, I see an expanse of trees swaying in the morning breeze. What is visible to me is an expanse of green land, and multitude of trees. A poet who sees this visible beauty, in the effort to search the invisible truth in this expanse of nature, might visualize his love for his muse, swaying in freedom in the music of her love. A naturalist might see the truth hidden in the form of the nature of the soil, the impact of the trees on the soil and the ecosystem around. A real estate businessman, might be thinking about ways to clean up the forest and raise a multi storied building in its place. All are busy in their own created realities. This one level getting into what is apparent.

The second level is even more profound. For the poet, can he transcend his love for his muse, to the love for that immutable? Can that muse be the archetype of Love itself, rather than a person in flesh and blood? When he goes deep into his feelings he discovers it was not the love for anything in form, which was inspiring him. But it was the love for the hidden immutable archetype of Life itself, that was so inspiring - the songs of the birds, the expanse of the sky, the brotherly dance of the branches of the trees. More creative effort a person applies on what is apparent, more he is able to come home to the truth.

A doctor does not get overwhelmed with the dilapidated condition of a visiting patient. Rather he looks through what is visible, and applies his reason and knowledge of the anatomy of the body, to come to a conclusion. What is apparent to the doctor on first sight of the patient is just an illusion. What he discovers after an active devoted activity is what is truth.

The same applies to the life of a software developer. Bombarded with multiple issues coming every day on the product he is working, he cannot afford to be moved by what is just reported by customers, test engineers, system folks, etc. He has to debug the issue and find out the real cause. In each moment spent in the actual debugging and finding out the root cause, he discovers the truth - the immutable - The God.

The idea is not to get lost by the outer manifestation of life. The outer manifestation of life is a ploy of natural selection to continue the proliferation and propagation of genes. That does nothing greater. Rather, the need is to rise, and grow from a boy to a man. It is the time to grow from a girl to a woman. It is about growing from naive to the Knowing.

It is about shunning the laziness to be passive in life and be impacted by the whims and fancies of the self and the others. It is about being an Arjun; lifting his "Gandiv" and fight the war. Fighting the war is about engaging in a creative activity to know the truth, in the field that suits the temperament of a person. It is about getting involved in work, not just to be busy. But rather to search for the truth, to bring the invisible Archetype to the sensible world.

It is not only about knowing the world around. It also about knowing one's own self. It is also about going deep within and know one’s own self in reality. It is about getting in touch with the latent power of one's own self. It is about discovering the personal manhood and womanhood hidden inside. It is about also finding that aspect of divine hidden in oneself. It is about transcending from intellect to intuition and intelligence. The famous photographer - Pierre Polain speaking about his photographs puts this idea pretty beautifully in his book "Wisdom through lens" as -
"The reality, the truth behind a picture, its idea and sentiment cannot be described because it does not belong to the visible sphere but to the invisible. This is why a photograph has to be seen through he "eyes of the soul" at least as much as with our physical eyes. A photograph is a door, an open passage from intelligible to the sensible, from the invisible to the visible, and looking at its inner nature is looking into a mirror: it can help us discover ourselves; it can help us get to know ourselves. The photograph is a means for the archetype to make its way into the visible and temporal world, and thus looking at the photograph will awaken a profound and mysterious sentiment, which is the echo of the same archetype inside us."
 He further says, "The artist is, in fact, the real Prometheus..he does not steal the fire from Zeus to bring it back to humanity, like the divine hero did, but he does "steal" the vision of the archetypes - especially Beauty and Harmony, and makes it perceptible to the rest of humanity through his own art."

So, can a man have the courage to be the Prometheus? Yes, that is what life is for. It is about realizing one's whole self and the knowing the world around. It is about knowing the laws of nature, and being part of the big scheme of things, being creative and taking that small step, which helps man to see Truth, and bring forward to humanity the Truth - in its special form - unique to the expression of the individual.
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

Friday, August 10, 2012

Janmastami - The Birth of the Lord

Krishna – An archetype which stands for all that is supreme, all that is ideal, all that is potential in human, is considered to be born on the day of Janmashtami (celebrated yesterday). According to Indian mythology, Krishna was born without a sexual union, but by divine “mental transmission” from the mind of Vasudeva into the womb of Devaki.

Child hood and Youth
The stories of Krishna's childhood and youth tell how he became a cow herder, his mischievous pranks as Makhan Chor (butter thief), his foiling of attempts to take his life, and his role as a protector of the people of Vrindavana.
The stories of his play with the gopis (milkmaids) of Vrindavana, especially Radha (daughter of Vrishbhanu, one of the original residents of Vrindavan) became known as the Rasa lila and were romanticised in the poetry of Jayadeva, author of the Gita Govinda. These became important as part of the development of the Krishna bhakti traditions worshiping Radha Krishna.

The Prince
On his return to Mathura as a young man, Krishna overthrew and killed his maternal uncle, Kansa, after avoiding several assassination attempts from Kansa's followers. He reinstated Kansa's father, Ugrasena, as the king of the Yadavas and became a leading prince at the court. During this period, he became a friend of Arjuna and the other Pandava princes of the Kuru kingdom, who were his cousins. Later, he took his Yadava subjects to the city of Dwaraka (in modern Gujarat) and established his own kingdom there.

Kurukshetra War and Bhagavat Gita
The sage Ved Vyasa in his magnum opus creation – Mahabharat – brings out Krishna in his full glory as a Philosopher, guiding Arjuna – the disciple – on the path to the Truth. The words of Krishna has been written in verses by Vyasa, compiled together as a separate canto in Mahabarat. This collection is known as the Bhagavat Geeta – The song of the Lord. In this compilation Krishna attempts to answer the existential questions and dilemmas of Arjuna. In one of the most profound work of art, this collection containing 18 chapters, tries to sum up a perennial wisdom, which is ever relevant, across past, present and future.

The Essence of Krishna
Krishna stands for the Best, the Good, the Right, the Truth. He stands for the impersonal and yet benevolent is-ness of the cosmos. He is not a personality. Neither he is a god or a person. He is the best what human can achieve in thoughts, action, love, harmony, fraternity, aesthetics and his day to day efforts, in leading his daily life. Krishna’s words in the Bhagavat Gita, and his life epitomizes the pole star, the inner compass, the sail of the boat, helping mankind to be aligned with the Truth, the Right, the direction which is most optimal towards the evolution of the self and the entire humanity as such.

It is on the Janmasthami day, in the year of 2012 the School of Human Values was formed -
At this point of human history, when man is too busy fulfilling his egoistic needs – physical, mental and spiritual, it is an ardent call from the School of Human Values, for man to stand up, and be aware of the potential Krishna hidden in him. It is a call to humanity to be a Krishna, to be a Buddha, to be a Jesus, to be the Zoroaster, doing what he does in his daily life, with that art and aesthetics of being a Human fully born. It is a call to Know Thyself.
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