Not only it is that
Essentials are invisible.
But also what is most precious,
Is oft indescribable!
Words appear to be the tool
Of the mediocre world,
Handicapped to contain the infinitude
Of that pristine Love!
It was not just the word,
But the whole of nature,
In its manifest form,
Appeared incapable to,
Express those army of
The Profound Throbs
In the heart of Simoni!
All the nuances of idioms,
The Metaphors and Similes,
All look pale in-front of that
Un-uttered throbbing high,
The hopeless melancholy of solitude,
The lightness of heart at those special times,
And the heaviness of lump
Deep in the throat,
On those painful moments!
Was it the nervousness of an anxiety,
Or a hopelessness of death,
Or a hope of a potential new birth?
Was it the heaviness of a thud,
Or the lightness of a flight?
Simoni knew not.
Beyond Words,
Is present that beautiful world,
The world of Love,
Transmuting a human weakling,
To a heavenly tune!
A world which knows no separation,
No antagonism, no fear and hatred.
Only there lies just one thing –
Eternal and sold,
Standing tall with glory and grace,
The fire of Love,
Burning all the darkness of alienation!
Be it Gods in human tales,
Or the heavenly angel,
Or the roaming deer in the wilderness,
Or the indifferent rose,
All seemed to Simoni,
Knit together with
The tapestry of the golden thread –
The thread of love.
The thread is invisible, and in-describable.
The thread is beyond all that is material,
It is beyond any need,
Beyond any in-completion,
Beyond any short-comings,
Beyond any human misgivings.
Rather the thread is the invisible link,
The strong pull,
The strong connection,
Of man with the Divine – the hidden Archetype!
Simoni wanted to sing out loud
Expressing his heart,
With heavens as the witnesses,
Of his Love – of his Soul – of his ardor!
But more he tried, more he failed.
With every effort
Of creating a syllable,
Of creating a note,
What resulted was just a silence,
A silence more silent than the
Darkest new moon night
Amidst the cold desert!
For realized Simoni,
His Love was from the other world,
A world higher than the heavens,
A world of beings nobler than the Gods,
A space which is ever fresh,
With the sweet mist of
Fraternal compassion,
And passionate belongingness!
Simoni knew that world very real, very alive,
Which was the only truth!
For Love reigned there, and nothing else!
Every dawn heralded a new beginning,
Every dusk declared a completion of a new creation,
All impeccably painted with the
Master’s stroke of Love!
That ecstasy of being in love,
The novelty of the hidden pain,
Was not meant to be expressed
Through the imperfect world
Of impotent expressions.
For all the combinations of the worldly letters,
Were incapable to even relate
To Simioni’s love –
For it was not of this world,
But was from the world of the immortals,
From the world above the seven heavens!
But still very true, very alive,
Right Now, Right Here!
Just the need was an eye to discover it,
The eye of the Soul!
His love was not about having and possessing.
His love was not about clinging and clasping.
Rather it was built in the foundation,
Strong and un-alterable one,
Of respect, space, freedom, objectivity,
Compassion and service!
The point was not to make
The beloved know
The pain of the bleeding dusk,
The confusion of the roaring wave,
The purity of the lotus serenity,
The surrender of the floating log!
Rather it was to climb up the stairs of Evolution,
Through the effort of pain, perseverance, patience and wisdom,
Tempered by the power of faith,
In the tempo of Love,
To really invite that infinite One,
Into Simoni’s own heart!
It was to feel the Supreme’s closeness,
Passing through his body,
His hand, his feet, his bosom,
Being one in flow with his mind, his soul, his heart,
Simoni could feel being part of the One!
Tuned with the divine Rhythm,
Simoni’s heart overflowed with love,
With understanding and solidarity,
With the cobbler to the king.
It was through the blessings of the One,
Could Simoni for the first time see the Truth!
The Truth of the hidden connection,
The impregnated same one Love,
In one and all!
For then Simoni realized,
It is not about that isolated special one
In flesh and blood,
Rather it is finding the One Essence,
Beautifying all in ways different,
But essentially the same!
It is not the love for that separate self,
Rather the love was for the Whole,
The One in All,
The Supreme, the Absolute, the Unity.
Now, Simoni did realize,
Why were words inadequate,
And impotent to express his Love
In its entirety, in its purity.
For his Love was from the world higher,
Where words did not count.
But what essential,
Was just a pure heart,
And true soul, and an honorable Love.
And the truth was that,
The higher world,
Was very much present,
Right Now, Right Here.
It just needed an eye to see -
The grandeur of the invisible!
And an ear to hear,
The song of silence!
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