Friday, December 7, 2012

A Christmas Wish

Here is a wish for you this Christmas,
From my truest self I know.

That you may do what you really are,
With freedom, courage and love,
And that there is fire always kindled within you.
The fire that you already are.

May the music of your heart,
Come out before you close your eyes.
Before mingling into the nothingness,
May you reclaim who you are.

That you may be wise,
But more importantly kind.
That you may be successful,
But more importantly overwhelmed in love.

May you be prosperous,
And yet, not lose the bond,
With the rain, the moon, and the star.
And not forget to smile, and to say Hello.

That in the bustle of who is right,
And what is more reasonable and correct,
May you not lose your own true self,
No matter how unreasonable and incorrect you are.

May in the rat race of following the herd,
You be left out,
And re-kindle that basic instinct,
To follow your heart,
Taking the road less travelled. 

That you be the change maker,
Being the harbinger of beauty,
The best version of that original masterpiece,
That you already are.

May you endlessly
Always continue to Be,
Expressing that authentic being who you are,
Either with a smile, a hug, a kiss or a pat, 
Or may be with a poem, a song...or a tear.

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