If man wants to know the sole and universal secret of a meaningful and happy life, he is to be aware such a life is possible only through the determined resolve to walk in the path of pure love. It is imperative to have an unshakable resolve to be in love every moment of the day, no matter what. The crux of every philosophy is jut one - be in love, active love, Manas Love, Love emanating from Nous, from Buddhi.
At the same time, beware of the disintegrated form of love coming out from the physical levels of Kama Manas and below (Linga, Prana, Stula). They are disintegrated form of that once pristine love of the Nous, of Buddhi. They have lost their erstwhile wings. They will just flutter and then die in a moment. They are transient. They have an inherent ego, frustration, pain, needs, and other lower propensities, which primarily belong to the realm which are lower in the evolution line than that what is present as an opportunity for man in his life. These lower forms of love although attractive on surface, pulls down man backwards and retards his growth in his journey. They just dissipate time and energy of man, and steal away his opportunity to really live.
What is the truth is just that one love - The love emanating from the Nous - The Manas Love. Be grounded in that every moment of your attention.
The Manas love is based on the premise of Love as an art. Erich Fromm in his book - "The art of loving" has tried to identify characteristics of Manas love. He says Love is an active effort, grounded on the human potentials of objectivity, humility, courage, active faith, discipline within, concentration and meditation, patience, supreme concern, the indirect nature of love, relaxed awareness, sensitivity, right education, overcoming narcissism, universality of love.
Glimpses of The Manas Love - Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Mohammad.
Victor Frankl has expressed another important aspect of Manas Love in his book - "Man's search for Meaning" as follows -
Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him. By his love he is enabled to see the essential traits and features in the beloved person; and even more, he sees that which is potential in him, which is not yet actualized but yet ought to be actualized. Furthermore, by his love, the loving person enables the beloved person to actualize these potentialities. By making him aware of what he can be and what he should become, he makes these potentialities come true.
Sri. N. Ram articulates the ideal of Mans Love as follows -
"Only as we go out in love which seeks to help and serve, do we transcend ourselves and develop that consciousness which embodies the awareness of our essential unity with others."
One has to be grounded in Manas Love every waking moment. This love has to extend to his fellow humans and to the nature. This is the secret of a meaningful and happy living. This is the only way out of the existential problems infront of man. This requires constant attention, will, memory, nurturing, intelligence and the resolve to bring into form that wisdom of the idea of Manas love in everyday life. Only then man can know who he is, and who others are, and what nature is - in reality. Any other way is a way in illusion - Maya.
Having said all this, it is very important to understand that an abstract idea is real only when it is applied. Similarly, Manas Love will remain as a dead word, unless it is actually lived, implemented and applied in real life - in the life which is alive in the realm of Kama Manas, Linga, Prana and Stula. The physical life is grounded in these physical realities. These are the realm of forms. The ideal of Manas Love has to be grounded to the framework of physical forms. Unless that is done, its all fluke and over intellectualization. It is very important to discern and have the power and resolve to play with Manas Love in the stage of the world of Maya, and not get lost in the illusion of the disintegrated forms of love so very popular and present everywhere around.
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