Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Journey of Love

In love was born a little but an infinite and immortal soul.
Eons ago, when there was no creation around.
What simply existed was silence and darkness dead.

The Soul was in love.
He was in his journey eternal,
To see, hear, smell, touch and taste,
That part in him that he priced the most!
That he could see as a reflection,
In his love for his lady with the most beautiful eyes.

Didn't know he about his beloved.
But just he could have some apparition
Here and there, sometimes in his dreams,
Sometimes when fully awake,
His Beloved playing hide and seek,
Either in the blossoms of the spring,
Or the wetness of the monsoon.

In that journey, he discovered for himself,
The ever bright assertive rising Sun,
The soft and silvery mellow Moon,
The ecstatic wild arduous oceans,
The still, meditative mountains high.
Strangely all seemed to be in love,
Craving to embrace in all their passion,
There own personal love,
In the best way they could.

Millions of years did pass away,
The ever youthful soul,
Still looks for his beloved,
In his eternal journey,
Finding for himself,
The reflection of his love -
In those most beautiful eyes,
In those luscious trembling petal like lips.
Hanging from the edge of time,
Like the dew drop from the tip of the leaf green,
Passes the soul from one form to the other,
Covering centuries, millennia and eons,
Sailing in the curved continuum of time and space,
Looking out for his lady love -
Those most beautiful eyes.

That eternal journey,
Is the soul engrossed in,
Discovering his love,
Thus knowing himself better.

His love gave rise to the flora and fauna,
And all the humanity,
Held together in the bond of love,
Ever growing all around,
Extending the silver lining of that immortal love.

Each time today,
When a child gasps at the Grand Canyon,
Or wonders at the rapturous Niagara,
When he looks wonderstruck onto the starlit sky,
With the twinkle in his eye,
Knows he not,
All are just reflection of the love of the little soul,
His love for his lady with the most beautiful eyes.

Transcends the love of the little soul,
From the tiniest insect to the blue whale,
Extending all over the oceans, deserts, mountains and plains,
Throbs his love with ever renewed passion,
To see, to know and to embrace,
His Beloved deep inside in the temple of his heart.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

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