Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Immortal Traveler

Ageless, timeless bright and sunny,
The Traveler is in his journey through eternity!

Once upon a time he was born as the river Mississippi,
Once he was born as the seagull of the seventh mountain!

Then there was a time when he was the Road to the clouds,
Guiding and taking countless Pilgrims’ caravans!

Then there was this time when he was born,
As the poem from the heart of the lovelorn poet,
Swinging in the rhythm of the Charm
Of those Most Beautiful Eyes!

There was one age, when he was
The rapture of the ageless sage having the glimpse of his God!

And then there was he born,
As the painful throbbing of the despaired heart,
Of the sculptor in love with his stone and indifferent sculpture!

Then he was born as the profound attraction
Of the droning bee,
For the nectar of the luscious flower red!

And again as the pious and peaceful prayer,
Of the silent nun behind the walls of the convent!

Life span varied of the traveler –
From the few moments of the lover’s moan
In the moments of those ecstatic unity!
To the eternal wait of the
The longing hearts of the banks of the Ganges!
Waiting in vain, since millennia
To kiss each other, To touch each other, To hug each other!

The traveler lived though civilizations many!
From the hunter-gatherers Shoshones,
To the Greeks and Romans!
To the barbarians,
To the New World,
Through revolutions many,
Civilizations after civilizations!
Wars after wars!

Each time he evolved,
He grew and flourished,
Using minds of men women,
Boys and girls,
As vehicles in continuum –
Ages after ages!

He was in the form of the
Human ideas, insights, and innovation!
Hopes, dreams and inspirations!
The longing love and compassion!
 Manifested in the world of form,
As poems, songs, scientific insights!
As religious raptures, paintings and sculptors!
As lofty bridges, Engineering marvels, forts and damns!
Spanning through eternity!

He was born as an innocent wish,
Of the little girl gazing the stars,
He lived through as the
Enthused heart of the lover
Held in tight embrace of his beloved!
Living in vigor and youth,
All through eternity
As the never ending love
Of the Sky and the Earth!

Men were born,
Both Great and Wretched!
Civilizations started, pinnacled and
The fated with the inevitable death!
Springs came, and Winter passed!
Many came, many went.

Remained but forever
The traveler – beyond the dots of eternity!
Throbbing with life,
Was the ardor of being Human!
Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

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