Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Sequel - The Sun Redeemed!

This is the sequel to the poem - The Sun's Redemption.
To read the Part I refer the link - http://criativ-mind.blogspot.com/2011/03/suns-redemption.html

- Part II -
For the first time he stood for
Not the self,
But for the world!
For a cause!
For something he cared!

Glaring all his way,
From dawn to dusk,
Did one thing he remember -
He exists for something,
Bigger and greater than his own life.
It was not about his love for his Moon,
But it was his love for life as a whole.

Disgusted was he living
The small life,
Of the shimmering star,
Fragile and anxious,
For being loved and cared!
Forever captivated in the
Expectation of understanding and kindness,
In the ever deepening thirst
For being understood and loved!

Now and for ages to come,
To the endless eternity,
He was a glaring Sun,
Being center of an ongoing rhythm of life!
For the planets, asteroids and
The celestial bodies innumerable!
For the Flora and Fauna,
For the glory of warmth and light,
In the life of the countless life forms!
Gradually the glare of his,
Had expanded beyond his own self!

Civilizations many came up,
Evolved and grew,
To higher states of complexity,
To higher levels of culture and beauty!
Undertaking “Non-Zero” games!
All under the expanse of
His nourishing warmth of Blessings.

With wonder he would look down,
From the clear blue sky.
Expanse of bright Sun flowers
All smiling at him,
Following him wherever he goes!

And then there were the plants and trees,
The clear streams and glistening waterfalls,
All whose existence depended on his glow!
For with their silent heart filled with gratitude,
All of them acknowledged his presence!

There was the little child,
Opening her eyes early in the morning,
Enchanted with the happy glow of the day outside!
Glory on the top of glory,
Her cheeks and his Glow!

With the call of the rooster,
Did the day of activity start with his first rays!
Men and women, busy in their work,
Giving humanity a push
Towards a newer and better tomorrow!

He was the harbinger of
Bright, new happy day of creation and acitivty,
Eradicating the Sedenteriness,
The laziness and darkness of the night!

So fulfilling was his existence,
Seeing people in “Flow”,
Constructive using their talents,
Shaping their dreams,
Creating things which never existed,
Enabling mankind doing things
Which it never was able to do in past!

Ushered into a new realm of existence,
The Sun proclaimed -
I create - therefore I am!
His existence was all about
Being used up - burning every moment,
To provide for a cause - for the world!
He cared none for himself,
Continued he to burn!
For the only purpose of his existence,
Was to give and give!
He had nothing for his own,
To take and hoard!

Sometimes, distracted falls he prey,
To his lost passions and old fancies,
Eclipsed is he sometimes in the shadow of his Moon!
Then there is darkness - gloomy and sad!
Quick realizes he,
Awakes from the slumber long,
Snaps away he from the human urge,
To again start living a life of the Sun!
Glaring with meaning,
For a cause and mission!

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

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