Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Expecting consistency is a forced malady

Nature always listens to its own drum beat. It never plays as per the whims and fancies of any one. Billions of galaxies, stars, moons, etc all continue in their own states of motion. The flow of winds, changing seasons, flowering plants, flowing rivers, all of them are busy in their own dance, totally oblivious to the what any other entity in creation desires or wants.

Similarly, we humans, being part of the same nature, do evolve, and change. Humans can not be consistent. Consistency is death. People do change, grow, evolve and transform. Not only mentally and spiritually, we also change physically. Every 3 months we change each and every cell of our body, and new cell take their place. So, who I was 3 months ago, is physically a different human being today.
This birth - death - birth keeps going in cycle. There is a continuity however across these local transformations. This intelligence which continues across all these cycles of birth and death, is the evolving consciousness.

Now, having understood this it looks so awkward when people expect others to be the same. A lover having betrayed by his beloved, gets deluged in melancholy. That is a forced malady, which occurs from a deep seated ignorance. Humans crave for a mental construct they attach with a human being, and expect that the human align to that construct forever. In the beginning might be the construct was itself erroneous. It might have been an illusion that the human being was even close to that assumed construct. Now, when the real nature of the human being gets exposed, the construct shatters. And the lover gets disillusioned.

Such clinging and craving aspect of any relationship is a forced malady, at heart of which lies a deep seated ignorance of how the nature works. No entity in which there is a throbbing of life energy flowing, can be consistent and same trough out.

Having understood this, it creates a beautiful context of compassion. You cannot label any human being as an absolute bad. The human grows, learns, changes, transforms. No human is a singular instance of emotions and identity. Rather every human at any point of space time continuum is a snapshot of a varying diaspora of different psychological propensities.

Hence Judge less, listen more. Hate none, Love all. Expect nothing, Always Give and Serve.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar


  1. I see the point u're trying to make here...the reason you state for certain bonds to be broken is that one side expects consistency which the other side doesn't provide...owing to continuous change.
    Even though I agree to your conclusion, I am not quite convinced with the philosophy underlined herein. For me the galaxies, stars, moon...they all follow a rythm, a pattern...changing of seasons, the flowering of plants...they all follow a preset cycle...which translates to an inherent consistency -- as I see it.
    What makes the difference is...as u pointed out..the expectation part. I see stagnancy and expectation to be the issues with human relations....rather than coping with the inconsistencies.When a relation stops growing...and stagnates...that's where issues arise. IF a plant stops growing, if the moon were to stop orbiting, if a river decided to take a break.....that's where the issues stem from.
    That's my perspective....can always be debated :-)

  2. Shreshtha - Sun, Moon, Stars follow a rhythm for sure. But they do not again become what they were earlier. They are continuously expanding, changing, evolving. Life itself never remained consistent. Since the first Big Bang, life has changed, expanded and evolved. The inherent consistency that you are talking about is the "shield" that humans create to fain a pseudo consistency. These "shields" are conceptualized by social constructs like religion, dogmas, traditions, social institutions, etc.
    I am not saying that such shields are bad. On contrary to be able to create some order and make the culture evolve such constructs help.
    At the same time it is immensely freeing to recognize these shields, as just another man made cultural constructs, which were adopted my an evolving culture, to grow itself. These are social memes. Every culture has its unique meme.
    A meme of consistency is fascinating. I would rather discipline myself to be consistent towards a direction that gives meaning to my existence. But at the same time I will know that such an act is a pure choice - an enforcement of a meme. I would not expect the same (consistency) from others in return. This is because I know this is not humans (or nature) is designed to be. A human can select a meme of her own choice, or surrender to her genetic (physical), cultural or egoic urges. I cannot expect the way any being outside me show up.
