Friday, April 16, 2010


To that new life, O Father usher me into

A life beyond greed, where there is contentment.
A life beyond lust, where love overtakes.
A life beyond fear, where taking that risk is more important.

A life beyond the pampering Of friends and family,
Where criticism shapes my flow,
And competition helps me grow.

A life beyond the slumber of rest,
Where a higher calling wakes me up!

A life beyond the high throne of the arrogance of a teacher,
To that humble, and hungry ground of a student.

A life beyond the dull comfort of the known,
To that chilling excitement of the un-known.

A life beyond the blind divide and ego of religion,
To that extended limitless world where all are one.

A life beyond the ridiculous superstitions in the name of faith,
To that rational world of natural harmony.

A life beyond the narrowness and cowardice of devastating war,
To that courage of creating and sustaining peace.

A life beyond the propensity of being surrounded by like minded people,
To that courage to confront and grown in diversity.

A life beyond the utter naïveté of judgment,
To that open and grand world of acceptance and compassion.

A life beyond the shallow little dungeon of selfishness,
To that grand palace of selflessness.

A place from the pond of mind,
To that ocean of heart.

From that boring state of conformism,
To that fun filled world of non-conformism.

From that poverty stricken attitude of searching love in return,
To that affluent state of just showering love with open arms.

From that base urge to put others down in a competition,
To that fresh inspiration of growing ones own self.

From that lonely egoist state of "I", "Me", and "Mine"
To that ecstatic experience of the flow of being part of a One Whole.

From that hopeless view of seeing my life as a disjunct event,
limited by birth and death,
To that illuminating realization of the knowing,
That this life is just a continuation of the collective consciousness,
In the timeline of eternity.

From the lethargy of being attracted to mundane pleasures,
To that intense state joyful active pursuit of meaning.

From that propensity of being hurt,
To that flamboyance of hypnotic radiance of happiness.

Copy Right © All rights reserved - Samrat Kar

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